Damn! Damn! Damn!

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Autumn Leaf Brewery
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Yesterday I made a starter from a packet of wyeast 1272 and bung it on the stirplate.
This afternoon when I came home I thought
"Its a bit cold" and turned the hot plate on.
"Nah, its not that cold" and turned it off again!
Then I went off for a bit of web surfing. When I went back the kitchen there was a pong,
ruined yeast, melted nalgene bottle and melted stir plate power cord.

I must have switched the hot plate to off and then over to high!

Yeast down the drain, expensive bottle up in smoke and HWMBO has to replace the stir plate cord!

Now I have to use stupid old US05!

Damn! Damn! Damn!

in a nutshell, wats a stirplate, wats a hwmbo, wats a nalgene bottle, wats stupid old us05. <_<
Uncool braufrau. I'm pretty keen to try 1272 too. Must have been a decent cleanup. Stick your stirplate in your ferment fridge and forget about the hotplate I reckon. Erlenmeyer flasks are the go - cheap as chips and the heat won't bother them.
And for haysie, in order, thing for making loads of yeast, opposite of swmbo, plastic type bottle thing for use with (i), critters which make APA type beers for you.
And for haysie, in order, thing for making loads of yeast, opposite of swmbo, plastic type bottle thing for use with (i), critters which make APA type beers for you.


Thanks goatherder .. you've cheered me up!

Oh no... what a bugger :(

could have been worse....... it could have caught fire and burnt your house down.

perhaps the batch was infected from the smackpack and the beergods saved your brew :)

i use a glass flask as well and tend to try to cool the starter...... not heat it.

Thx Goatherder, am all the wiser :unsure:
Thx Goatherder, am all the wiser :unsure:

here is a good long read on stirplates


we generally stick a couple of magnets on a computer fan and put it in a box. it spins a magnetic stir bar in a starter and keeps the yeast agitated to produce more viable yeast to pitch into your beer.

SWMBO and HWMBO...... its husband or wife..... but dont know what it stands for... dont care either :p

never heard of one of those bottles either but a bottles a bottle hey.

and US-05 is a dry american style ale yeast that produces very clean crisp beers. The 1272 is a wyeast liquid yeast strain calles american ale 2. ITs got more character to it. some fruitiness, lower attenuation so its a bit sweeter and other things.

I expect braufrau was after a bit more character in the beer and to be honest i have been thinking of trying this yeast as well.

sounds good.

just to rub it in braufrau's nose (sorry :)) here is its desciption

Produces beers that are nutty and clean with a slight tart finish. Ferment at warmer temperatures to accentuate hop character with intense fruitiness. Or, ferment cool for a clean, light citrus character. Expect good attenuation, but this will vary with grist makeup, mashing protocol, or other wort characteristics. Reliably flocculent, producing bright beer without filtration.

Flocculation: High
Attenuation: 72-76%
Temperature Range: 60-72F, 15-22C
Alcohol Tolerance: 10% ABV

American Amber Ale
American Brown Ale
American IPA
American Pale Ale
American Stout
Blonde Ale
Fruit Beer
Imperial IPA
Wood-Aged Beer

just to rub it in braufrau's nose (sorry :)) here is its desciption

Gee thanks Tony. :)

BTW - SWMBO stands for "She who must be obeyed" which is a reference to the character in the book "She"
wikipedia link

And as it says in the wikipedia thing
"The phrase acquired additional significance in British popular culture as the name by which John Mortimer's character Horace Rumpole refers to his wife."

HWMBO is just a bit of silliness.
Interesting, braufrau...

I heard Rumpole using the term, but I never realised it had a history.

HWMBO is just a bit of silliness.

Ahhhhh but i own the crrdit card :)


cheers and you really have me thinking on the 1272 thing. US-05 is good but it lacks character.

I got a 1318 recently from one of our AHB sponsors and when i got it the inner sachel was already swollen.

Its suposed to be a "high" floculator but i had problems with the yeast being slow to firment then flatly refusing to settle out.

I really suspect it was dodgy from the wyeast shed.

kind of wish my stirplate had of killed it now..... not happy.

making me really think twice on using wyeast again.

Agree with Us-05.
It eats through any thing and leave very little malty flavour in beer.
UNLESS you have a high og of 1.050+.
Did a spring job partial last year with og 1.056 using US56/US05.
IBU around 46.
FG 1.012ish
It wen't down like a dream.
Well Tom at the Jovial Monk must have thought I looked so pathetic when I confessed I'd cooked the yeast I'd
bought the week before that he gave me some US05.

See, that's why one should always have a kind and sympathetic HBS owner. :)
But charges like a wounded bull for everyone else..... <_< JM is no longer in my brewing vocabulary............
Nice Guys!

Tom does a kind thing and you take the oppotunity to disparage him. :angry:
SOme of the yeasts that they package in Wyeast still are a little bit active when they are put into packs, despite being told to go to sleep! Some yeasts, such as the saison types, are notorious for this. The yeast will still be fine, you can have a look before you buy at marks, he gets them from bigfridge, I have never had any problems with any of the wyeast products. I would just say smack the pack or pitch it straight into a starter, there is very little (ie almost zero) chance that it is infected. A quick round in a 1L starter should confirm this for you.
All the best

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