Gday, have to throw in my 2c, seeings as I am actually drinking onbe of these beers as I type

Indeed, it is darker than the average VB, albeit slightly. For me, thats about where the differences end. Last week, a guy at my house, who I gave a glass of my IPA to (admittedly, I am trying to give it awqay, as I am not real happy with the finished result), and he told me it tasted just like the new VB ale

. Trying the 2 side by side, they are nothing alike thank god. This thing tastes exactly like the VB everybody knows and loves

, and is a little too light bodied for mine. I havent noticed the premium price, as here they are 10c cheaper per single, and exactly the same price as regular VB if bought by the case. Each to their own, but I am loathe to say that this beer is going down the drain, and it is a $2.49 crown seal bottle I just bought. I am sure that plenty of people will like this beer, but I am not one of them, and will either drink Coopers (an unfortunate rarity in pubs round here), or water in the pubs.
Who was it that said they drink Carbine stout? I had that at the races the other day, about the only drinkable option they had. The barstaff told me I was the first person to ever actually buy one! No wonder I felt crook the next morning. M<aybe it was past its use by date, or maybe it was the tooheys new, or extra dry the boys instisted on buying me for the rest of the night....
All the best