Course For K&k For $180?

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Brewer's Choice in QLD is running 4 courses in the next couple of weeks, one is cheese-making, one on stout, one beer and one wine - all FREE.

Be f*^$ked if I would pay to do the same in Melb.
The course may also cover extract brewing and steeping (although hopefully without instructing noobs to boil their grains for 20 mins)

Hopefully, but from memory the BC instructions on those 'enhancer' kits instruct users to boil the grains (note, this was the case 3 yrs ago when I didn't know any better).

@Manticle, I am not directing my previous post at K&K brewers, more so the approach that BC seems take in dumbing down the process. I have not been back to BC after a conversation with one of their staff about AG brewing which went along the lines of "why would you bother" whilst trying point me towards their mystery enhancer packs instead.

Cheers SJ
Hopefully, but from memory the BC instructions on those 'enhancer' kits instruct users to boil the grains (note, this was the case 3 yrs ago when I didn't know any better).

@Manticle, I am not directing my previous post at K&K brewers, more so the approach that BC seems take in dumbing down the process. I have not been back to BC after a conversation with one of their staff about AG brewing which went along the lines of "why would you bother" whilst trying point me towards their mystery enhancer packs instead.

Cheers SJ

It was a general comment which I posted same time as yours. I agree brewcraft probably aren't worth even stepping inside to ask for directions to the post office (which franchises ever are?).

The boiling grains thing was exactly what I was referring to and yes the cynic in me says what a load of hokey ****. I can just imagine budding young kit brewers reading this thread and thinking we're all a bunch of grain snobs, which while not may be what is meant, is one way it could be interpreted. That's why I wrote what I did but your schedule is probably spot on.
Unfortunately there will be enough battery acid producers out there to make it a viable money spinner. Who will walk away thinking they will kow everything there is to know about brewing, especially about lagering at 27.C Thankfully none the would be found with accounts on here. Thing is you don't pull a stunt like this without making sure your going to make a quid, that why brewcrafts are dime a dozen. Also what a great way to pickup new customers who can't get there cans from the Duopoly anymore. Their aim is to make money and reason to chage so much is to give the impression that you will be getting something of great value learning from a master blah blah blah. It's not about what it is actually worth its about what people are willing to pay.
Just think about how much grain and hops the remaining $150 would buy you, following the initial investment of $30 getting setup for all grain... if you followed the relevant thread here on AHB. B)
9am-11am Different types of can openers and how to use them
11am-12pm Why the yeast under the lid is the best yeast to use
12pm-1pm lunch
1pm-2pm How to boil specialty grain
2pm-4pm Improving your beers with mystery brew enhancers (or deciphering the code)

Cheers SJ
2pm-4pm Improving your beers with mystery brew enhancers (or deciphering the code)
4pm-5pm: In a hurry? Heat is your friend.
I agree with the gist of Manticle's comments here.

I think a course aimed at K&K brewers is a valid thing as there are basics kit brewers can learn (like temperature control, hopping and how fermentable material changes your brew) that would have implications for anyone stepping up to extract or all-grain further down the road.

But also baffled at the pricing like everyone else here - $180? You could buy like 12 tins of quality goo (and a can opener) for that much.

You'd want Brewcraft to be putting together a pretty good show with plenty of beer to go around, and samples to take home at that amount.

Is Brewcraft running it? To me it just says the instructor works at Brewcraft...

Given Jasons qualifications and his experience as a brewer, this course could literally be about anything!
It was a general comment which I posted same time as yours. I agree brewcraft probably aren't worth even stepping inside to ask for directions to the post office (which franchises ever are?).

I would like to think some are.
Anyone in melb interested in this course should come to my course. $100 each and I'll even teach u to AG for no extra cost. Oh hang on AHB does it for free. Bugger

Brewcraft will no doubt just transfer the crap from their book to the classroom and convince people that k&k is the best and that people should buy Brewcraft recipe kits at highly inflated prices.

It's goOd business on their behalf, but **** for the poor souls who buy into it.
I love to pay out on Brewcraft as much as the next guy as I have in the past (and do think their 'course' is pure marketing), but I think we need to keep things in perspective regarding the store as these guys are out there helping many in our community out:

- Yes, some of the stores have unknowledgeable people who are more or less 'shopkeepers', but others do have some passionate people who are genuinely helpful - like the guy in the Richmond store that assisted me with getting keg connections recently and gave me some advice on regulators.
- Yes some LHBS are crapper than others, but having more stores out there for convenience can only be a good thing. I don't necessarily attend a Brewcraft store all the time but being a franchise they are in a bunch of locations - so yep I will use sponsors more than not but also use Brewcraft as my '7-11' as one near me is open on a Sunday which is darn handy when you run out of something.
- Not all stores are going to have passionate All Grain people like Ross (craftbrewer) or John (g&g) at the helm, but they serve a niche in the market well (ie. K&K and beginner newbie extract/kit & bit). Their advice is often geared in that direction, and their range supports this area.

Anyhow, nuff said - IMHO Brewcraft aren't 'useless' they do have some 'use', but back to the topic at hand - yep I agree, this course is a nonsense and it's overpriced! :)

7-8pm: The internets - Abbreviations, Avatars, and learning to Troll

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