Coopers Homebrew Billboard

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A massive fan of all things coopers, I love their add on foxtel also. Anyway back to my coopers mild.
:p another one spotted , canal rd Mascot.

I saw one last week on pickering st, enoggera (QLD).

"Sure beats collectnig stamps"

Its good to see coopers advertising their homebrew.
Its a good day when homebrewing advertising is appearing on billboards!
It made me all warm inside :rolleyes: driving home from work last night on Stirling Hwy North Freo to see the Coopers grin reinforcing what I was already thinking about (Homebrewing).
Funny though, when I got home I cracked a dusty stubbie of Chocolate Stout made from Coopers Stout Goo and whilst I loved it when I made it 10 months ago it dosen't come close to anything I have made from grain.
Another Coopers billboard spotted.

Melbourne, Hoddle St Clifton Hill, near the station. :)
Town Hall station, Sydney. Gave me a big cheesy grin when I saw it. Like Doogiechap, by an amazing coincidence I was already thinking about brewing at the time. :rolleyes:
Yup, saw the collecting stamps one on Abercrombie St. Surry Hills last week and just drove past it again a half an hour ago. Funnily enough it's only a good drop punt from the old Kent Brewery site on Broadway. They do give you a good feeling don't they.
another stamp collecting one spotted at the servo on the corner of station street and canterbury road :p
Big one spotted at Platform 1, Town Hall station in Sydney.

Hope this works out for them!
With even light beer @ $27 a carton at Lidcombe hotel, surely people realise that for a kit, good booster, and finishing bag it would cost that much and produce a similar and sometimes better result for 2.5 slabs!
Another one spotted corner of Bell & High st. Preston in Vic - these things are multiplying!
There's one on Compton Rd, between Woodridge & Kuraby, near the rail overpass. (Going towards Stretton/Algester from the Brew-by-U BOP for those who know where it is).

Good on 'em for promoting home brew.

Hands up anyone here who DIDN'T start home brewing with a can o' coopers and a plastic fermenter?
colin wrote:
"Hands up anyone here who DIDN'T start home brewing with a can o' coopers and a plastic fermenter?"

Oooh - oooh - oooh.
Those little cans of Brigalow & Wander, before Coopers hit the market.

Rhetorical question answered.
Brigalow & Wander were out before Coopers? I never knew that.
colin wrote:
"Hands up anyone here who DIDN'T start home brewing with a can o' coopers and a plastic fermenter?"

Oooh - oooh - oooh.
Those little cans of Brigalow & Wander, before Coopers hit the market.

Rhetorical question answered.

I started just over 12 months ago brewing using the old coopers kit and man have I come along way since then and have a huge way to go. I quickly moved on to the brewmaster and premium kits then stopped using sugars and started adding malts only. Now I'm brewing with malt extract brews using the coopers malt and doing the hopping myself. I had tried some of the other supermarket kits early on but found them to be on the poor side (not all of them just the ones I tried) and the one is that at least you know Coopers and its kits and cans etc are Australian and not a Kiwi brew pretending to be Australian (Lion Nathan I love your work ...not) To get to the point Coopers offers a good starting path for someone who want to get more out of brewing then a tin of concentrate and a bag of sugar. Sorry but brewing is starting to become a bit of a passion for me or should that be problem. Hopefully I'll learn a lot here too.
Miranda Westfields, a picture of a dodgy fella from the 50's and some crappy slogan.
not allowed billboards in canberra....pathetic eh.