Conversion Times And Temps

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The Dean WA
Im trying to gauge how long it takes you/all to get conversion IE: negative starch/iodine test.Im interested to compare times with people doing single infusions.Today I mashed a Kolsch.Weyermann pils+ acidulated and 10% Weyermann wheat. Spent 20mins @ 55c then 60mins @ 62c.Still showing starch at this stage(pH 5.44).Upped the temp to 72c and had full conversion in 10 mins.So how long do you wait for conversion doing a single infusion mash.I know it depends on grains and temps but a general time using either pils or pale as a base malt.I ask because I dont do single infusions but could imagine the times being a lot longer for full conversion.Step mash me up scotty! BTW is there a spell check on this site?
Cheers Neville
Gryphon Brewing
at 66 degrees, b-amylase is mostly de-nautured by about 20min into the mash. this is the enzyme respsonible for the majority of the fermentable sugars. a-amylase lasts longer but contributes more to the body/malt flavour. this is why the mash temp makes a difference. at 62 degrees, is should produce a fairly fermentable wort. Times depend on brewhouse and what you had for breakfast.

been/am drinking so this is as helpful as i can be for now.
Using well modified malt I mash for 60 minutes and get full conversion in this time. My mashes are generally between 65 and 70 depending on style. It may, and probably does, happen faster but I am comfortable with 60 minutes as it gives me some time to do other things during the mash. Not a particularly rigorous observation but hope that helps.
BTW is there a spell check on this site?
definitely not, but we do have a high proportion of "larger" drinkers. Love a cold "larger" on a hot day! Hope i don't loose my keys. :rolleyes:

back to topic, i'm inclined to follow Aarons train of thought. 60 mins or sometimes 90 gives me time to do stuff.
Morning Neville, I always mash for 90 mins and use different temps for different brews. I have read that starch tests can be inconclusive because there may be some solids in the test sample, but I haven't tried it. FWIW the last couple of kolsch's that I brewed were mashed at 63-65 degrees to achieve a low terminal gravity. :D
BTW is there a spell check on this site?
definitely not, but we do have a high proportion of "larger" drinkers. Love a cold "larger" on a hot day! Hope i don't loose my keys. :rolleyes:

back to topic, i'm inclined to follow Aarons train of thought. 60 mins or sometimes 90 gives me time to do stuff.
An easy way to get spell check on any web site is to use the Google toolbar. It has a built in spell check utility that will work with any editable area of a web page.

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