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**** OBS ****
Im trying to gauge how long it takes you/all to get conversion IE: negative starch/iodine test.Im interested to compare times with people doing single infusions.Today I mashed a Kolsch.Weyermann pils+ acidulated and 10% Weyermann wheat. Spent 20mins @ 55c then 60mins @ 62c.Still showing starch at this stage(pH 5.44).Upped the temp to 72c and had full conversion in 10 mins.So how long do you wait for conversion doing a single infusion mash.I know it depends on grains and temps but a general time using either pils or pale as a base malt.I ask because I dont do single infusions but could imagine the times being a lot longer for full conversion.Step mash me up scotty! BTW is there a spell check on this site?
Cheers Neville
Gryphon Brewing
Cheers Neville
Gryphon Brewing