Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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With no deoderant to top it off?

Yep ive been in that situation
Not For Horses said:
I don't know what it is like in NSW but I'd imagine that you'd be able to use the existing building offsets to justify the new ones.
Yep... that's the plan. The original site survey from when we bought the place shows a shed hard up against the fence so I reckon we have a good case.

bradsbrew said:
Don't suppose your neighbours dogs would run away if the gate was left open?
Absolutely. Stupid animals. We have found them wandering around a few times (dug under the fence one time and escaped out the gate another). Like good neighbors we caught them and kept them secured until she got home. Even gave the little bastards water. All we copped was abuse for tying them up. Poor little darlings. Fark that. Next time it happens I'll chase them out into the road.
Airgead said:
Absolutely. Stupid animals. We have found them wandering around a few times (dug under the fence one time and escaped out the gate another). Like good neighbors we caught them and kept them secured until she got home. Even gave the little bastards water. All we copped was abuse for tying them up. Poor little darlings. Fark that. Next time it happens I'll chase them out into the road.
It would be a shame if they lost their collars and were taken to a pound a few suburbs away.
A great shame. Given that there are 15 of them it would be an enormous shame if each of them ended up at a different pound in a different suburb.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Seriously....1kg bag of Brown onions are $1.10 cheaper than the same brown onions loose...

2014-06-16 11.24.00.jpg
Thats gotta be for the red onions.

Worth the extra $1.10 for me. Less flatulence.
Dave70 said:
Thats gotta be for the red onions.

Worth the extra $1.10 for me. Less flatulence.
No...the label for the red oniins was above there bin. Reds where $3 something a kilo
Report them to council for to many animals.

Ring weekly and complain about the noise & smell.
And keep making sure they accidentally get outside.

Around here it's $200+ per animal out on the road.
After the normal first weeks warning that is.

That doesn't include vet bills if there is anything wrong with the animal also, I don't mean u hurt the animal, I mean if they are sick, malnutritioned etc. from hopeless owners.
And the fines & cost for mandatory microchipping.

If there not microchiped....might be harder to prove ownership.....

I know your a kind hearted wouldnt hurt a fly type of person Airghead......but a few coke bottles filled with petrol and stuffed with a probably not a very legal thing to do....
Ducatiboy stu said:
And the fines & cost for mandatory microchipping.
If there not microchiped....might be harder to prove ownership.....
I know your a kind hearted wouldnt hurt a fly type of person Airghead......but a few coke bottles filled with petrol and stuffed with a probably not a very legal thing to do....
Deliberate animal cruelty is not condoned here.
The owner is obviously a numbskull. Maybe hold off on the animal torture suggestions Stu.
She works for doggie rescue and all the ones they can't re-house due to things like nasty dispositions or compulsive barking she brings home. She's like one of those daft old ladies who ends up living alone with 200 cats. Only she's not old and and its dogs. Its sill a mental illness though.

Been complaining to council about noise for a couple of years. Trouble is, council cant/won't do anything unless others complain as well. The only other people within hearing range are an old couple who do the grey nomad thing 10 months of the year so are never home to hear it and the other little old lady up the back who is 98 and deaf as a post. Neighbors across the road cant stand the barking either but they have a staffie who regularly chews through their fence and wanders round the neighborhood to the last thing they want is to have council round checking up on dogs.

They have visited her a few times and issues stern warnings but that's as far as it goes. The council has no rule on how many dogs you can have (plenty of rules on how many chooks or bees) but nothing on how many dogs or cats.

Part of the reason for the shed is that it will be a 3m high soundproof wall between us and her.

wide eyed and legless said:
Taking a dump on the bonnet of her car isn't revenge, she would be used to moving a bit of **** if she has dogs, it would be second nature. Plus she would know who the culprit was, you have to use a bit of cunning so you would be the last person she thinks of if something untoward happens.
LAy some cable on the passenger side windscreen wiper on a rainy day. She may be used to scooping up nuggets but I bet she hasnt much experience with crap smeared on glass.
To my mind you would want her to know who the culprit was- just not be able to prove it. Whats the point of revenge if they dont know who got them?
If she suffers from a genuine mental illness, you can probably stop wasting your time with council. They cant even expedite simple matters.

I'm sure you must by now be experiencing some stress related malady as a direct result of incessant noise pollution and / or anxiety and panic attacks about an impending dog attack, perhaps because you were traumatized as a child by a vicious incident with a stray. Maby you are considering self harm, or who knows what else?? Maby you need to see your doctor and have an assessment done.

Don't you remember the time you witnessed some of those dogs barking and snarling at one of the neighborhood children?
Imagine if they got out!
Imagine if the council was made aware of this, I dunno, in writing or something.
To late once it happens, eh? Why would you even take a chance with something like that? Could even be grounds for litigation. Expensive, embarrassing, job threatening litigation.

Yep. To late.
Your not in a very good situation Airghead.

All you can do is keep complaing. We have a mad cat & dog lady here. She has been hunted out of the town to a rural setting but her new neaighbours are up in arms now. She actually has reg'd charity status for here setup. The surrounding folk took to audio recording and detailed diaries in complaints to council. Eventually she endd up in the Land & Env court over noise levels and numbers of animals. She has had to put up high solid fencing etc to stop the noise. Unfortunatly she raises funds to be able to fight council, although it has cost her big $$, which she then goes on a "woe is me, there picking on me " rant....

Airghead...apart from detailed documented complaints with evidence....your pretty much ******.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Your not in a very good situation Airghead.

All you can do is keep complaing. We have a mad cat & dog lady here. She has been hunted out of the town to a rural setting but her new neaighbours are up in arms now. She actually has reg'd charity status for here setup. The surrounding folk took to audio recording and detailed diaries in complaints to council. Eventually she endd up in the Land & Env court over noise levels and numbers of animals. She has had to put up high solid fencing etc to stop the noise. Unfortunatly she raises funds to be able to fight council, although it has cost her big $$, which she then goes on a "woe is me, there picking on me " rant....

Airghead...apart from detailed documented complaints with evidence....your pretty much ******.
Have you seen the joint?

Holy *** it stinks bad, and its one hell of an eye-sore.

Sometimes I have a winge about my neighbour having 50+ falcons sitting in a paddock rusting away that you can clearly see from anywhere out back of my house, let alone sun reflecting off their windows, but then I think about Airgead's crazy dog lady neighbour, and I feel better :D
Ducatiboy stu said:
Your not in a very good situation Airghead.

Airghead...apart from detailed documented complaints with evidence....your pretty much ******.
Yep... pretty much ******. She takes good care of the animals (apart from the whole 15 dogs is a mall backyard thing) so there are no cruelty grounds for removing them. We've been down the noise diary path a few times before but without other complaints there's nothing they can do.

Have to wait till the old lady up the back drops off the perch or the grey nomads finally bite the bullet and sell their place so they can travel full time. Hopefully get some neighbors who will back us up.

I'm thinking of running for council and putting in a new regulation about limiting pet numbers...

Shaunous - you're welcome.

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