Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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manticle said:
Lucky the anti duplicate mods are keeping an eye out for you.
You, sir, are a gentleman and a schollar.
Airgead said:
Multiple posts....stupid phone.
Sorry Mate 99.9% on your list no longer exist.

You forgot the KKK.

er Brian.jpg
Copy of my rant sent to the BOM

I live in the Border Ranges near Kyogle and we find the Brisbane Mt Stapylton radar to be more accurate for our purposes as well as providing better information about rainfall etc.

Considering that this radar is probably relied on by many thousands of professionals throughout SEQ and the Borders, from fishermen to builders to emergency services, farmers, transport operators and many many more, wouldn't it be nice to have a radar service in the 21st Century that actually works for more than a few days per month, and has this year been out during serious weather events

Tropical_Brews said:
This weeks Quizz. Name 10 non muslim terrorist organisations ? I got 0 from 10. and a case of Sydney Rye IPA.
Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), Aum Shinrikyo, New People’s Army (NPA), Ulster Defense Association (UDA), Kahane Chai, Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA), Shining Path / Sendero Luminoso, Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA), Revolutionary Struggle / Epanastatikos Agonas (EA), Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias De Colombia (FARC).
Tropical Brews, this is a response to your question and in no way means to suggest that violent acts committed by Islamic extremists is not a problem. The groups I have listed are either currently active in their original form or acting under other guises. I will note that the FARC group in Colombia last month signed a peace treaty with the Colombian government. However, this deal has a long way to go and it is hoped that it doesn't go the same way such negotiations have in the past.
Tropical_Brews said:
Sorry Mate 99.9% on your list no longer exist.

You forgot the KKK.
Neither do 99.9% of all the islamic terror groups that ever existed... the point is that terror is not, and never has been the exclusive preserve of islam.

And a lot of those groups are still active (particularly the us soverign citizen wierdos). And the mexican drug cartels. And the abortion clinic bombers. You could add the Italian mafia. They blow up judges (and anyone standing near them).

Lets not forget the hilton hotel bombing (ananda marga...maybe).

Islam has a lot of focus at the moment because there are a lot of high profile conflicts in that region where all sides have used terror tactics and targeted civilians. But terror isn't an exclusivly islamic problem. It just happens to be where the conflicts are at the moment. Not so long ago everyone was condeming the Serbian christians for massacering bosnian muslims.

Terrorism is born of war, occupation and opression. Not islam.
I will stick to beer from now on seeing as my trips to most of the world's hot spots ( except South America ) mean nothing and I am biased. Have seen paradise turned to ***** in a very quick time. I.E. Lebanon. Don't recall Walid Jemblatt starting it and the Cronulla riots were Christian inspired. ??

Should have turned the original quizz the other way round and got 10/10.

Still amazed that a Drug Cartel is actually a Terrorist Group.

Hope your Children and Grandchildren can thank you all for turning a blind eye to it all just because nothing major has occurred yet.

If the original video does not convince you or the ADF who also have to risk lots in these places, take a little look at Isreal to see how ideology works
Tropical_Brews said:
Still amazed that a Drug Cartel is actually a Terrorist Group.
As per Wiki
"Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is defined as the use or threatened use of violence (terror) in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim"
I fail to see how they couldn't be a terrorist group.
THey kidnap large groups of people who oppose them, bomb law enforcement and try to instill fear to control via terror
Pretty textbook definition if you ask me...
Tropical Brews, I merely answered the question you asked. Did you read my post? I was relaying information as requested and in no way intended insult or offence.
Drug cartel = terror group - why not?

They target security forces and civilians for random killing. They take and kill hostages. They spread terror. They commit very public acts of brutality. They enforce a strict code of behaviour. They recruit from the impoverished, oppressed and disaffected worldwide through social media. They finance their operations through drugs....

Am I talking about the Mexican cartells or the Islamic State?

Or are we just defining terrorism as those same activities when carried out by muslims? When carried out by Christians (or non muslims) they are criminals, or revolutionaries, or freedom fighters....but not terrorists.
Why hasn't PH gone on about the pommy invasion? 476,291 or 2.2% of the Australian population are muslim which includes those who were born here.

How many of us pommy bastards are here? 1.2 million. Talk about an invasion! We've already taken over Coogee and the recruitment industry. We've got eyes on your wives next. :ph34r:
welly2 said:
Why hasn't PH gone on about the pommy invasion? 476,291 or 2.2% of the Australian population are muslim which includes those who were born here.

How many of us pommy bastards are here? 1.2 million. Talk about an invasion! We've already taken over Coogee and the recruitment industry. We've got eyes on your wives next. :ph34r:


Oh you're my wife now...
Airgead said:
Neither do 99.9% of all the islamic terror groups that ever existed... the point is that terror is not, and never has been the exclusive preserve of islam.

And a lot of those groups are still active (particularly the us soverign citizen wierdos). And the mexican drug cartels. And the abortion clinic bombers. You could add the Italian mafia. They blow up judges (and anyone standing near them).

Lets not forget the hilton hotel bombing (ananda marga...maybe).

Islam has a lot of focus at the moment because there are a lot of high profile conflicts in that region where all sides have used terror tactics and targeted civilians. But terror isn't an exclusivly islamic problem. It just happens to be where the conflicts are at the moment. Not so long ago everyone was condeming the Serbian christians for massacering bosnian muslims.

Terrorism is born of war, occupation and opression. Not islam.
But historically, its taken none of those conditions to prompt islamic terrorism, even back to to the Barbary wars where American shipping was being hijacked (sound familiar?), ransacked and the crews held to ransom.
This was expressly textually inspired.
In March 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise
You know what I hate? When you go to the Maccas drive through, order your standard Big Mac and 2 Cheese burgers, and like a chump I don't check, drive away and they've shorted me a cheese burger?!

Fuckers! Where's the royal commission into that?!
Fraser's BRB said:
You know what I hate? When you go to the Maccas drive through, order your standard Big Mac and 2 Cheese burgers, and like a chump I don't check, drive away and they've shorted me a cheese burger?!

Fuckers! Where's the royal commission into that?!
It's dependent upon whether the burgers were halal.
Dave70 said:
It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise
Meh. Making war upon the infidel is something humanity has done under various guises since time immemorial. Islam doesnt have a monopoly on that either. Plenty of christian folks were more than happy to spread their message at the point of a sword/gun/whatever.

Won't comment further on the explicit instructions of various holy books since I havent read any of them.

But from the Barbary state's perspective the looting and plundering came after American ships refused to pay the (to them) legitimate tribute/tolls for sailing through their waters (which had been an established thing for centuries).. So you could look at it as a trade dispute. Or terrorism. Rather depends on your point of view...
Airgead said:
Neither do 99.9% of all the islamic terror groups that ever existed... the point is that terror is not, and never has been the exclusive preserve of islam.

And a lot of those groups are still active (particularly the us soverign citizen wierdos). And the mexican drug cartels. And the abortion clinic bombers. You could add the Italian mafia. They blow up judges (and anyone standing near them).

Lets not forget the hilton hotel bombing (ananda marga...maybe).

Islam has a lot of focus at the moment because there are a lot of high profile conflicts in that region where all sides have used terror tactics and targeted civilians. But terror isn't an exclusivly islamic problem. It just happens to be where the conflicts are at the moment. Not so long ago everyone was condeming the Serbian christians for massacering bosnian muslims.

Terrorism is born of war, occupation and opression. Not islam.
Mostly true however what has separated the Muslim based terrorists of the past 30 years with those mentioned is their willingness to take it beyond the localised areas of conflict and spreading their misery. While most of the recent terrorist attacks still occur in the middle east and subcontinental areas, there are a lot more being perpetrated 1000kms from the conflict areas. US, UK, Paris, Spain, Bali etc. You didnt see the serbs or Mexican drug cartels or the Sicilian Mafia taking their **** elsewhere and that is a major point of difference.
No terrorism is not an exclusively Muslim thing, but the Islamic terrorists have certainly taken it to new extremes.
The koran is not the only book to preach terror.
How bout this beauty from the bible?

Deuteronomy 7:1-2

When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations . . . then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.

The fact is, getting serious about your religion and taking the scriptures literally is extremism.
Given both of these books are thousands of years old, I suggest we update our literature.

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