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Hey all, silly question for you. My cider has been brewing for over 2 weeks now and is still bubbling out of the airlock. However, the hydrometer is giving me consistent measurements of 1010 over the space of a couple of days. I have read that when this occurs, it's right to bottle yet the yeast is still farting CO2 out the airlock. I've obviously misunderstood someone somewhere along the line. I'm tipping I should let the airlock stop bubbling and then get consistent readings. Is this correct?

I have to admit, 2kg of sugar is a lot of food for the little yeasty beasties to be chewing through.
Morning H. If you're getting consistent hydro readings then bottle. The airlock activity is dissolved CO2 coming out of solution. If you chill the fermenter it will slow down, if you warm it up it will burp a bit faster. :D
The airlock can keep bubbling even though fermentation has finished. It can just be that the temperature changes and so gases come out of solution. If it was a beer I'd say bottle it. Sometimes cider can be slow though, so I might give it a few more days. It won't hurt it, and you should end up with a clearer cider as well. :)
Thanks for the heads up folks. I'll leave it a few more days just in case then bottle it. Cloudy cider doesn't phase me but it's always a nice feeling top know you've made a nice clean product.