Tony, The full moon isn't helping matters at the moment which is why I haven't bothered with updates. But the moon will be rising and setting later and getting dimmer now, only good if your not trying to catch the comet in the mornings.
jupiter, that is a brilliant photo! Will be passing it around myself, LOL.
Was a great night too, I watched the fireworks and lightning from Rockingham beach. Could see 5 different fireworks displays at once: Perth, Freo, Hillaries, Armadale and one way way up the coast, was it Joondalup?
The comet was behind me though from that view point.
EDIT: I just noticed that the Pointers(alpha(Rigel Kent) and beta Centauri) are also visible at far left of the image just below the cloud.
Shame the Southern Cross which is just a little further left of the Pointers wasn't captured.
EDIT#2: And believe it or not, but the bright light right on the horizon to the left of the lightning is the planet Venus!