One of the few joys of being self employed means not having to put up with that type of treatment ! I hope he at least had two schooners and not two 7s :icon_cheers:
I dont feel sorry for the bloke, he knew the rules and thats that. I bet if he had of gone back to work and hurt himself he would have put in claims for medical bills etc etc.
I might sound harsh, but this day and age companies have to look after there label.
He was a manager paid over $90k a year, he should be setting the example not trying to bend the rules to suit himself. His contract stated ZERO tolerance and that's what he got, Fairy nuff I say.
I've worked in places where there were similar rules and when people broke them they always cried poor me, my attitude was suck it up princess you knew it was wrong and did it anyway.
Jeebus... they pay them well don't they!!! $90k for managing a supermarket???????
But seriously, if your contract says no alcohol, then guess what? You don't have a beer at lunch, regardless of if your operating a pen or an aircraft.. Simple.
I'm in two minds. Yeah he knew the rules, but the rules are ridicules. It's very Australian to ignore the rules when it suits us. This is a home brewing forum after all and that has been illegal in many states at various time in Australian history. It may still be in a couple.
It's a rule that is culturally detrimental too. In many countries in Europe a drink or two to accompany a lunchtime meal is the norm. We should be encouraging moderate consumption of alcohol together with food.
Of course if someone goes out and has more than 2 drinks at lunchtime and comes back and expects to operate machinery, that's a different story.
I work under these rules(diff industry), but if I have an incident it will usually result in me, or someone else, being dismembered or killed....
"Mr Selak, 36, admitted having two glasses of beer over lunch in May, but argued that the policy should not apply to managers, who did not operate equipment or machinery."
I'd want my :icon_drunk: manager to tell me to do something unsafe....SUUUUUURRREE
HTFU to him and build a bridge and get over himself
yeah, i work as a train driver and am subject to random drug and alcohol tests at all times.. it sucks, but it sh!ts me when (for example) someone on the dole or a politician could smash as much drugs and piss as they wanted. the world has changed and some workplaces are yet to catch up.. seems like that guy just found out where safeway stands. maybe he could come and be a train driver?
Many years ago myself and a few workmates went to the pub for lunch, saw our manager there so joined him, when 1 o'clock came we didn't move, as he hadn't made a move to go back to work. We said shouldn't we be getting back, he said he was staying until 2pm. All went back to work, and got docked an hour's pay (not him). RHIP he called it, Rank Has It's Priveledge.
Normally a prick, young and green we thought he was being nice, but he was still being a prick.
I am going to guess there was more behind it. I doubt it ever would have come to light much less grown into a law suit over just the 2 beers at lunch. Perhaps they were looking for a reason to sack him anyway, he did something stupid, was a regular thing he did, etc.
Don't think so, kevnlis. I think it's just Woolworths (owners of Safeways). The owner's teetotal, so I guess he thinks his staff should be too (at least on his time). From here.
I certainly don't think they were wrong to sack him legally, just that it's an indication of how the country is going. Blah, blah, blah.
My office manager is the same, bloody b(*)^(&rd. No drinks at lunchtime he says. :angry:
*Disclaimer: Office manager and Stuster are in reality the same person.*
I also am self employed and do not allow myself to drink before 5:50 PM on week days. But I could not see myself firing an office manager for having 2 responsable drinks over a work related lunch meeting. In fact I would probably encourage it if it helped relax the conversation and aid in the employee returning to work. But thats just me.
I heard about that and I've worked in places that had rules like that. I've also worked in places where the rule was "if you don't slur, you can drink as much as you like, but not on work premises". Still that was a long time ago. Follow the rules that are set and you don't get into trouble.
Where I'm at now, there's no problem with having a drink or two with/for lunch or having a drink after 4pm.
It's the way it's gone as people get reckless and bend the rules too far. Used to be Friday beers every week at previous work, be nice, finish off the day while sinking a can of some crap mega swill, but I digress. Anyway, boys in the workshop not so careful about it, they'd knock off at 3pm and still be there after 5pm when the office johnnies left. So after one said occassion the workshop manager jumps in the car to drive home, get's almost all the way and get's pulled by the cops and done for drink driving...and not just a little bit over the limit. I guess what made it worse was that it was a company ever seen the mess left after IT hits the fan ? more Friday drinkies for anyone.
But it's all good...with a different company now and they still do Friday arvo drinks, even if it is only light stuff.