No Chillin' Like a Villain.
Yep, it works a treat. I fully submerse mine and weigh them down with a couple of house bricks. At the moment I'm making some awesome APAs which have none of the hop astringency I used to get in my no chill APAs. Hop aroma is fantastic. In winter when the pool water is about 15', I am ready to pitch yeast a few hours later.Fents said:Yep sure do. Fill cubes, tip them on their side to sanitize the space in the handle for 5 mins, then straight in the pool until they are cool. (Usually just on the deep step so the whole cube is not immersed and the top sticks out of the water.
'Dent' on here is having great success with a 200 litre drum of cold water and dropping the cube into that. I think a bag of ice in there would be perfect. And that way, you can simply reuse the water, so no waste.