Chilli! All Things Chillies.

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Here are my overwintered plants. The 7 pot and devils tongues are going nuts and the bhuts are going great as well. All have heaps of flowers about to open up and some have flowers that have just set!.. WOW. Going to be a great season...muahahahahahahahaha...... :icon_drunk:



Oh mate they are rock and roll!

My baby plants were going great but a cold snap stalled them,,, but they bill pick back up.

We still have the fire on with night temps getting down to 5 deg c so im wishing i lived in QLD about now!

Cant wait to see the pods they produce
Please, some advice from the green thumbed brewers here. I've been growing birds eye, jalapino and a couple of other variety chillis over the years with varied results, but I've no idea what to do with mature plants (about 3-4ft tall) are you supposed to leave them as nature intended or prune them back before spring for new growth?


Browndog (too lazy to look though 39 pages of this thread to find an answer)
Treat them like roses. In winter time chop them back and remove all foliage so they are just trunks and some branches. They will fire back fast like mine. They were all twigs about 2 months ago.

Please, some advice from the green thumbed brewers here. I've been growing birds eye, jalapino and a couple of other variety chillis over the years with varied results, but I've no idea what to do with mature plants (about 3-4ft tall) are you supposed to leave them as nature intended or prune them back before spring for new growth?


Browndog (too lazy to look though 39 pages of this thread to find an answer)
how are the chillis going people?

I have upped mine to their final resting places for the summer and they are starting to take off. They stalled when i moved them out and the nights went cold again on me but they are going great now.

fingers crossed to a good season.

god i wish i had QLD weather!
The garden-slugs liked the taste of my baby-chillis, but they are soldering on, still under glass. The store-brought seedlings have been put into big pots with copious quantities of snail pellets.

BTW, upturned glass fish-tank or similar hot-house means we can have QLD-type weather for our Chili's without having to put up with all the QLDers or XXXX. ;)
New plants
Bhut Jolikia, Trinidad Scorpion, Naga Morrich & 7 pot.
Plants coming along nicely just transfered to pots on the week end.


Yellow 7 pot, Fatalli, Caribbean Red, Wenks Yellow Hot, Peter Pepper (Red), Super F1, Mustard Hab, XL Jalapeo, Scotch Bonnet, Big Jim & Chicken Heart.
Propagator got up to 40 deg might have cooked em :angry: (reckon I'll be ordering another temp controller)

Orange Bhut Jolikia, Purple Tiger, Serrano, Red Savina, Tabasco, Jalapeo & Birds Eye.
The Orange Bhut is starting to come along, the others are only just getting some new growth. (early days we have only just had our first week of weather above 25 deg's)

Shonks :icon_cheers:
Looking great guys! My 7 Pots, Bhuts, Devils Tongues, Goats weeds and Hot Thais are all going fantastic. The Goats are pumping out pods some almost red. All other super hots are loaded with flowers and setting already!..... Tomatoes are going mental as well. Going to be right on time as my freezer chilli levels are dwindling and my sauce supply is almost out. God bless Gold Coast weather :wub:

Edit; Oh and three Barrackpore 7's sprouted about 3 weeks ago and coming along nicely. I'll start putting them outside for an hour or so soon. Yeah!
Going to put my seeds down this week but keep them indoors for a while yet.....still nice crunchy frost on the lawn this morning (-2 degrees) :(
Frost in October :eek: you need to move north steve!

Seriously mate!
Frost in October :eek: you need to move north steve!

Seriously mate!

Tell me about it! How do you think I feel when I see all the pics above and my seeds arent even in the dirt yet! It'll be the same as last soon as they're up and producing fruit the Autumn frosts will kick them in the guts. I need a glass house. Anyway on a happier note my wife bought me three bottles of chilli sauce from The Chilli Factory. Turbo Supercharge (Habenero Paste), Morning Afterburn (Mango sauce) and Fiery Frillneck Hiss (Smokey chilli tomato).

how are the chillis going people?

I have upped mine to their final resting places for the summer and they are starting to take off. They stalled when i moved them out and the nights went cold again on me but they are going great now.

fingers crossed to a good season.

god i wish i had QLD weather!

Its been great weather in QLD for gardening and I got ecited and bought some Chilli seedlings the other week, last night when i got home i found my dog has eaten my volcano chilli plants, leaves and all, i guess the chilli plant will punish him for these now.

I found some bhut joloki and naga morich seed that i orded a few months ago. Will be putting them down this weekend. I love chilli and i've got completely immune to the ones that i grow in the garden. I need something to spice things up, can't wait.

I was reading somewhere that pepper spray is actually less scoville units then bhuts and nagas, is this true?
Noticed small flower buds on my Orange Bhut (wintered) today :beerbang: , Must be due to the over average temps we are having in Perth this month. 31 degs tomorrow.
I was reading somewhere that pepper spray is actually less scoville units then bhuts and nagas, is this true?

Ahhhhhhhhh....... yes!

Id rather get sprayed with pepper spray than get a Bhut rubbed in my eye. The insided of these things bleed the yellow oil that they dilute to make pepper spray.

i believe pepper spray is made from the slavinia red which is like a red habanero...... around the 250K mark. Your bhuts and naga's will run around 750K to 1M SHU!

If you grow em... get some surgical gloves to wear when you are opening them up.

My chilli plants are really starting to fire now but its still cool here :( which is slowing them down. And its a constant battle to keep the bloody slugs at bay..... all this rain and there are millions of the mongrel things.
Made a kick ass sauce tonight:..... thanks tony all your seeds :)

2 x 7 pots from freezer ( last season )
1 x devils tongue ( last season )
175 grm passion fruit can
175g grm pineapple ( filled the empty passion fruit can with pineapple chunks :)
hand full fresh basil
3 tea sp garlic
2 table sp mustard (seed )
2 tea spoons ginger
3 heaped tea spoons brown sugar
3 romas de-skinned
1 table sp dried oregano
salt and pepper
1/2 cup vinegar
Edit: 1/2 onion
boiled down to 500mls
filled two 250mls garlic glass jars

This time after blitzing I pressed it through a sieve into the jars. A bit thinner than wanted but added back two heaped spoons of the pulp from the sieve and wammo awesome.

Had with rib eye tonight. Passion fruit first, pineapple and ginger ( first three seconds ) then heat....MMMMMMMM... I actually drooled after tea was finished from the chilli. That was a first. Next time It will be all Bhuts and 2 x 175 grms passionfruit and no pineapple but 1/2 can mango.
I'm drooling right now Cube!! I have about 300 grams of habs ready for the next batch of sauce - I'll pinch your passionfruit and mango idea. My current crops have slowed this weekend with the heavy rain, but give it a week or two and they'll be back. Lots of flowers now, but I expect them to drop off.
Well ran out of sauce the other day so made this yesterday. Got four 250 grm jars full:

27.10.2010 Double Bhut

2 x Bhut Jolokia
5 tomatos skinned
3 heaped teaspoons garlic
2 heaped teaspoons ginger
2 lime juice and zest of both
1 lemon and zest
2 table spoons brown sugar
1 can mango 425 grm
1 can passionfruit 170grm
2 heaped teaspoons wholegrain mustard
2 tablespoons dried origano
2 tablespoons pepper
2 tablespoons paprika
ground salt to taste
cup vinegar
cup water

This is my best yet. I'm going to double the mango and passionfruit. Boy - do these go together. Reason for double the mango and passionfruit is to get more wham of their taste before the heat takers over. Speaking of heat, there is NONE for about 5 seconds then warm....them warmer...then holy ****! 30 seconds in and it's glow city baby!

A++ will make again.
hey guys.. late last year i planted a bunch of habs at a friends place. this plant happened to come up around the same time. i thought it wasnt chilli but they wanted to keep it and today i get this email "proving" that it is a chilli plant. i looked around but ive never seen a chili manifest like this so i was hoping to do a little crowd sourcing.. ;)
can anyone help solve the riddle? (ps i've 10 bucks on no..)

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