My art is a little more selective then your's Chap Chap!
I googled goat shagger and look what came up....
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Woohoo Brew day eve!!!
Franko, Hogan and Pumpy are about an hour away.
Schooey is about 2hrs away.
Paulwolf will be on his plane in the morning
Troupadour has his grain and an extension cord
Lilo is dragging over the mega esky and miracle boxes
Jay is still GAY
Sully is ****
Gavo has dropped off his beer and is carbing up
Ross is bringing over his RIG soon
J1gsaw is god knows where
Bonj is trying to look busy
Browndog is putting his beer collection together
Altstart is kegging his beer
Brads here at 7am
Sqyre is dragging over Puffin' Billy with Mrs Sqyre and kiddies in tow
And everyone else knows where to go and what going on
Have forgotten anything?
Oh food is done.
Need some LPG in the morning as well as ICE.
Probably should give sherman a little spit and polish
Chap Chap
Just enquiring how long does it take to carb a keg? And can you transport beer that has just finished fermenting?
Are we good for essential incidentals, condiments, garbage bags, date loaf, berocca, KY & tissues :huh: etc ? Anything needed?
Ok should I bring mine along in a cube, I don't have kegs or anythingAbout 40 seconds with the gas on and 20 seconds with the gas off. The Settlers Old I took last year was grain 8 days previous.
Large condoms......with all those goats around ..............I dont want anymore kids.....Boom Boom........Get it goats kids hahahahahaha funny me :icon_drunk:
Ive loaded up the booze, chair, bed, and ready for action.
Lookin forward to meeting you felchers tommorrow, hope your all into man love, as when the lights go out, any holes a goal.. bwhahahah