Carrot Ale. Mashing with caramelised carrots.

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You didn't no-chill it did you? Everyone knows you can end up with DMS in there when you do that - vegetabley beer, ugh!
even if it turns out ****, why not try it for experience's sake? nothing got discovered by sticking to what was/is known. i'm keen to hear how this turns out mate!
Cheers, Dave. I actually already read that article and had cooked carrots in mind. Brewing with carrot juice is so 2012.

Hydrometer sample last night was pretty promising. The initial 'smokiness' (lets call it burnt carrots) has pretty much gone. Not a lot of carrot to be tasted. I think it is shaping up to be a half decent mildish ale.

Chickens/counting before hatching and all that though.
fletcher said:
even if it turns out ****, why not try it for experience's sake? nothing got discovered by sticking to what was/is known. i'm keen to hear how this turns out mate!
I'm all for experimentation, but in this case they're adding uncooked carrots to the fermenter. So kiss goodbye to any residual sweetness / smokiness that may have been gained through caramelisation to begin with. So whats left once the yeast chews its way through the paultry 8% sugar contained in a carrot? A nice dose of vitiman A and some pigment?
I'm not pissing on jyo's project here, just in this case, I simply cant see why you'd ruin (subjective) what otherwise looks to be a nice English IPA by sloshing a bunch of raw carrot juice in there.
Dave70 said:
I'm all for experimentation, but in this case they're adding uncooked carrots to the fermenter. So kiss goodbye to any residual sweetness / smokiness that may have been gained through caramelisation to begin with. So whats left once the yeast chews its way through the paultry 8% sugar contained in a carrot? A nice dose of vitiman A and some pigment?
I'm not pissing on jyo's project here, just in this case, I simply cant see why you'd ruin (subjective) what otherwise looks to be a nice English IPA by sloshing a bunch of raw carrot juice in there.
for exactly that reason you're all for; experimentation. it'll probably be ****, but he might be lucky enough to make a cracker. also it might prevent me from trying the same if he says it was completely terrible haha
Interesting recipe, I am keen to see how it turns out.

My next batch is going to have carrots in it. Given I am a new brewer who is still utilising the K&K method, could I use the carrots (prepared in the same way as this beer) as an adjunct in the secondary fermentation of a Coopers kit? Would I get any colour or flavour from doing this?
This has been in the keg a few weeks now and has turned into quite a drinkable little beer. I can taste the carrots if I turn my face the right way. It's more like an underlying smokiness/ burnt sugar flavour that's not unpleasant, it's just there behind the crystal. Had a couple of mates drinking this on the weekend and they didn't mind it.

Would I do it again? Maybe.... Though it doesn't really add enough to the beer to warrant it. I think the percentage of carrots would have to be increased a fair bit. I think it would go pretty well in a big Belgian like a BDS or even in a smoked porter.

Anyway, get a carrot in ya! Cheers.

It's cool when folks actually follow up on their projects.
Thats a great looking pint there. I reckon the carrot has lent a nice orange glow to it.

Did you tell your mates what was in it first?
That picture is like.. my life... man.

ED: it is like a double rainbow in a beer
Dave70 said:
It's cool when folks actually follow up on their projects.
Thats a great looking pint there. I reckon the carrot has lent a nice orange glow to it.

Did you tell your mates what was in it first?
Cheers, mate. Yeah, they knew what they were getting themselves into. I was thinking the same about the colour too, Dave, but hard to say.

Bizier said:
That picture is like.. my life... man.

ED: it is like a double rainbow in a beer
I'm so gonna say 'carrot' instead of orange next time I sing the rainbow song.
I have mates who think I'm a bit queer because I put chocolate malt in some of my beers, not sure what they would make of this little number
Yep, great stuff. Much darker than my own carrot brew.

Looking forward to my one carbonating out. It will probably be ready for a "green test" this weekend.