Can i use clear 1.25 or 2l softdrink bottles to bottle ginger beer and sarsparilla? Or will the clear effect the taste? Or will they not seal propperly with the hombrew shop bottle caps
Cheers this is what i assumed they are always kept full hidden from light in boxes. But i just wanted to know.. next im looking at a cider.. and id rather use a more sensible size. 750ml is just too small.As long as you are using pressure rated bottles, like soft drink or fizzy water bottles they (and the lids) will be fine.
We don't like clear bottles for beer because light can cause reactions with the hop products, called skunking (if you haven't smelled a skunk try a ferret on steroids).
Still better to keep your beverages in a cool dark place, even Coke will change colour and flavour if left in the sun too long, but treat you brew reasonably and you will be fine.