Can I Sample After 1 Week In The Bottle

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Sounds good mate... :D
:icon_offtopic: Hey Truman geezzz you caught the bug quick!!! remember reading your first posts!!!
Great to see your moving into A.G. definately an addictive hobby!!! good on ya mate!
:icon_offtopic: Hey Truman geezzz you caught the bug quick!!! remember reading your first posts!!!
Great to see your moving into A.G. definately an addictive hobby!!! good on ya mate!

Yeh it certainly is addictive and AG is the way to go. I still cant drink my first kit beer.
My dad has been brewing kits for years and I sent him the BIAB post and he did his first and sampled it last week and he was amazed at how much better it tasted.
Considering my BIAB comes out cloudy as hell's cataracts, I consider them carbed when the bottle goes clear :) room temp. I can actually pour them clear if I leave ~ 1cm of it back.

After many inpatient early tastings of half carbed brews, I have learned that the best approach is to brew much more frequently, so you are not waiting for a brew to be ready! I now brew once a fortnight, and that means there are always a few cases maturing, a couple ready to go and 1 or 2 in the fermenter.

Minimum 2-3 weeks in the bottle, even if the bottles are hard the flavours still need to settle into each other. 4 week is ideal to crack the first one and the results are worth the wait.
A mate of mine loves how easy and simple K&K is; and he bottles into 750ml tallies.

False economy. AG and kegging - less effort; higher quality; week less waiting; easy ability to catch up with stock when mates clean you out.
Hey again Newbeer. I used to leave it alone for a month but have bn brewing Tony's LCBA and it's just marvelous Wen young. + the darn heat up north here and I don't have cold storage so they 'mature' really quickly.... I'm planning to build a coolbox sometime, big enough to stack 4-5 crates of beer into. Keg the rest as and when I lay hands on a freezer :)
yuck, all that hard work down the drain... you heard of kegs and patience
After many inpatient early tastings of half carbed brews, I have learned that the best approach is to brew much more frequently, so you are not waiting for a brew to be ready! I now brew once a fortnight, and that means there are always a few cases maturing, a couple ready to go and 1 or 2 in the fermenter.

Minimum 2-3 weeks in the bottle, even if the bottles are hard the flavours still need to settle into each other. 4 week is ideal to crack the first one and the results are worth the wait.

Mate that was the plan and this one is my first. However Im moving house in two weeks so have had to hold off until after the move. But at least by then my stc 1000 would have arrived and I can brew inside my fridge as its starting to warm up now.
yuck, all that hard work down the drain... you heard of kegs and patience
Ha ha. I keep telling myself I'm too poor to afford a keezer.
The truth though..... It's upper body strength required to lift it up the stairs. We're meant to pick up chicks, not freezers ;)

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