Can I Add Sugar To Bottles After 6 Weeks

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Howdy all , I made this beer around 6 weeks ago and everytime i tried it until today i thought i was going to get more carbed up but it has not which means i clearly did not bulk prime with enough I think I did 110grmas of dex for 20 liters(did not add to beersmith to confirm it was late at night when finnished and went to bed)

But my question is can i crck them and add some amount of sugar to the bottles and the recap and if so what would be the best method. This beer tastes really good and I will drink it flat becasue so but more carb would be good



Amount Item Type % or IBU
3.00 kg Pilsner, Malt Craft Export (Joe White) (1.6 SRM) Grain 60.00 %
2.00 kg Pale Malt, Traditional Ale (Joe White) (3.0 SRM) Grain 40.00 %
5.00 gm Simcoe [13.00 %] (90 min) Hops 7.8 IBU
5.00 gm Simcoe [13.00 %] (10 min) Hops 2.6 IBU
1 Pkgs AMERICAN ALE YEAST (Fermintis #US-05) [Starter 2000 ml] Yeast-Ale
I dunno mate - that sounds like enough primer to get at least some fizz. I mean it's not going to be like a pilsener, but it should still be spritzy. Did you stir in the sugar when you bulk primed?

FWIW, when I used to bottle, I added 140g of dex to 23L which was fine.

Maybe stick a few bottles in a really warm place like the kitchen (or under the doona with you) and see if you get any improvement...
Cheers -Snow.
Not sure what the issue is but I have successfully re-primed underprimed beer.

The underpriming was due to a mistake in bulk priming calculations so the re-priming amount was based on that. Unsure how you would calculate what was missing without knowing why it was underprimed but in my experience it is possible to fix.

Perhaps the yeast was inactive in which case you'd need to re-seed rather than reprime. Is there a sweetness suggesting undigested priming sugar?
Yes done it months after bottling with a grossly undercarbed stout in PET bottles.

Got to be fast though funnel small measure and dextrose in and cap back on before it foams.

Worked out O.K. gave the bottles a few inversions to dissolve the dex and get the yeast back into suspension. Week later bottles nice and hard.

As Manticle states if it tastes a bit sweet the yeast is probably dead. Although may depend on if you take one or two sugars in your tea :rolleyes:
It does taste sweet and i never thought of the yeast being dead and not heard of that to be honest so what is the solution there.

also i have some clear glass soft drink bottles (the home delivery type) and some coopes long necks that i split this brew into , the soft drink bottles are carbed up nicely but the coopers ones are not not really sure what is going on there though, all bottles were clean and sterile before bottling so not sure

On further thoughts the sweetness is more hoppy than sugary so it might not be the yeast

Could be a number of things. Are all the seals on tight?

If it's the yeast, I guess you'd need to make up a small amount of slurry and add into each bottle.

Maybe try adding a bit more sugar to a couple and a bit of yeast to another couple and leaving for a week? Mark which is which. There are suggested amounts for reseeding/bottle conditioning in Palmer I think.
I re-primed a batch recently. If you do need to reprime, I would suggest pre-diluting the sugar/dex with boiling water and let it cool then use a syringe to get the right amount. This will give you a bit more time before it foams over. And make sure everything is very clean.

I will try to reprime the bottles with a syringe sounds like a good idea , I will have to count how many bottle i have left to work out a ratio but would would You guys suggest would be a good amount.

I will try just a couple of bottle first

I reprimed 2 batches that I'd screwed the calcs up on. After 4 weeks in the bottles they were just "spritzig", nowhere enough carb for my taste.

I chilled them in dozen lots in my beer fridge, uncapped them, then added 2 carbonation drops and resealed quickly before they frothed.

Drinking beautifully now a month later.

Cheerz Wabster

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