Buying Co2 Bottle

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I see alot of people are using Kegs on Legs
Is this a similar thing?

$269 for the purchase of a 6kg bottle

Good deal or not?

I looked at these - but a brewcraft store is a pain in the arse for me to get to, so I ended up going with a MKOL as I only need to go 15 mins from home.

If it is close, then it is possibly a good deal for you - just bear in mind that you have to go back to them, whereas MKOL is pretty widely supported, so if you move and take your gear with you, chances are you will still be able to get your bottle filled without a problem.

That said - you may be able to get a fire extinguisher place to do the fills for you - I just couldn't be arsed myself.

Also - if you are interested in this particular bottle and it is the way you want to go - check out ebay - these guys regularly sell them on there and you will get it a bit cheaper still.


Couple of things to keep in mind. Despite what the ebay ad says these are steel bottles and have a test life of 5 years, not 10 years like aluminium. You end up paying a lot more in the long run on hyro testing.

They are also twice the weight and are likely already quite old bottles.


An endorsement here for MKOL- they're good cylinders and as has been mentioned earlier, it's a nation-wide network.
Hey Rysa555,

What is your location? If you are in Melbourne, go see Dave @ Greensborough Home brewing!!

Sorry, its not owning but rent on a bott;e that will last you 2 years and a re-fill that is around 60-80 bux is a good deal!!

No affiliation ra de ra...

edit: About not owning..

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