Bulk Priming Questions

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Doing a search of AHB will bring several pages of stuff - as you say most bulk priming threads will have some racking info. The articles section for new brewers has an article on racking also. Don't forget Google - don't get hung up on using AHB as your one and only source as there are 18,000 members or something which means probably about 17,999 opinions.

My opinion on racking (like everything in brewing) is that it shouldn't be done just because it can be done, but should be done for a reason. Once you know a few of the theories you can decide what is worthwhile and what isn't for you in your particular circumstances.

Good luck. :icon_cheers:
thread here


Pretty simple process really. Get some food grade tubing/hose, bung it on the fermenter tap, open tap and fill secondary vessel leaving yeast cake and trub behind.

- sanitise everything - tubing, secondary vessel, fermenter tap. I have a spray bottle with sanitiser which I spray up the tap nozzle and get in there with a chopstick and chux soaked in sanitiser.
- start transfer very slow - don't want any bubbling or foaming to occur in the secondary. Once the level in the secondary has covered the end of the racking tube then you can start to increase the flow.
- some prefer to chill the primary for a couple of days prior to racking to help clear up the runnings a bit more
- If you access to CO2 then purge secondary and tubing of oxygen to reduce oxygen pick up further. Not sure how many people do this but it will help your beers age better with reduced staling.

Edit: beaten again!
Agree with Lecterfan on "My opinion on racking (like everything in brewing) is that it shouldn't be done just because it can be done, but should be done for a reason. Once you know a few of the theories you can decide what is worthwhile and what isn't for you in your particular circumstances."
G'day Brewers,

Thank again to Lecterfan and Kieren for the rapid responses. Will get reading shortly. ^_^

Cheers and happy brewing,