Bulk Priming Again!

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Hi guys, Yet another bulk priming question..... I have been using the 'Essential Guide for Bulk Priming' and for ales, it recommends a priming rate above 6gms per ltr for ales(Pale, American, Browns Etc). I am finding this too high, so thought I'd ask you legends what you run with? To be honest I have been running with 6.8gms/ltr. Any advice?

Don't tell me to keg, the minister or Finance, War and Peace can be a little hard to get along with....:)

The beauty of bulk priming is that you can set exactly the amount you like for the type of beer you are brewing. I personally like lower carb with most of my beers so the suggestion of 6g per litre doesn't suit me.

I go roughly with carbon dioxide volumes and compare recommended CO2 volumes (commercial/style guidelines) with what I like - usually ends up somewhere between 2 and 2.2 vol which equates to 90 -130g per 22 litre brew which equates to a bit under 5g per litre. That 0.8 extra can make a difference too.

I use this calculator: http://hbd.org/cgi-bin/recipator/recipator/carbonation.html although for beer temp at bottling I put my highest ferment temp reached after ferment (actually I usually just put 18-22 but if your brew freaks out and hits 25 for a few days you may need to adjust).
http://www.aussiehomebrewing.com/AlcoholCh...Calculator.html is a reasonable tool in my opinion.

I never go higher than 5gms (of whatever - I use dextrose) per litre for ales...in fact I never go higher than that regardless of beer type, but I brew pretty stock standard beers compared to many of the experienced daredevils on AHB. :icon_cheers:
I find that between 2-2.5 vols CO2 suits me for American Ales and 1-2 vols CO2 for English Ales.
Best advise I could give is if you find your carbonation level is too high for your liking then use less sugar.
Thanks guys... Manticle, thanks for the link. I have a lot more confidence in this calculator, I can see I have been over carbing bigtime. Now it's warming up, have a few brew on the spritz side, not happy!

Thanks guys

I find that between 2-2.5 vols CO2 suits me for American Ales and 1-2 vols CO2 for English Ales.
Best advise I could give is if you find your carbonation level is too high for your liking then use less sugar.

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