Bugger - No Beer Left

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Was watching my son mow the lawn this afternoon and felt like a beer, but when i turned on the tap all i got was a glass full of froth. It was half full a couple of days ago and a week ago i had three kegs on the go. Now that they are all empty i had better get my arse into gear and start brewing. Went and had a look at the back of the cupboard to see what is lurking there. Not much - a couple of Morgans Blue Mountain Lager tins and a couple of Malt Shovel Two Row Lager tins.

Ah well. Beggars can't be choosers. Toss a coin and MS Two Row Lager wins.

Tossed 2 tins into the fermenter with some steeped Hallertauer hops and 2 packets of Saflager S-23 yeast.

Never tried this one before , so hopefully it turns out a good drop. Have to do another Porter soon.

I did a 2 can brew one sunday when I had no brewing sugars... was a winner. Toss in some demera sugar maybe...

Lesson 1; If you have an empty fermenter, fill it :p
Problem 1; Getting time to do an AG brewday to fill empty fermenter :p

Lesson 1; If you have an empty fermenter, fill it :p
Problem 1; Getting time to do an AG brewday to fill empty fermenter :p


I am in the process of collecting all the bits and pieces for my allgrain brewery and am still doing kits and partials.

Have deliberately let stocks run low because i thought the brewery would be up and running by now ( still need a mashtun).

But Hell - A bloke has to have beer !