Brewin With Junior

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Mr Bond

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Well, apart from the boys hovering around and asking pesky questions while I'm brewing,I'm going to do a kit plus bits expremental brew with the eldest(7) this weekend.

His insistence and constant questioning has led us to the point of collaborating on a brew.

I gave him all the options and he chose to do a kit plus bits"because thats the way you started dad".crawling b4 walking I guess.quirky and fruity is the style.

I have a beermakers can of goo gifted me by Roach(that was destined to be a trainer for a workmate) :rolleyes: that i will use as a base .

Went shopping the other day and purchased a jar of buderim ginger marmalade(lemon lime).

Recipe will be 1.7 kg beermakers bitter
250 gms Light DME
250 gms DEX
400gms marmalade
15 gms hallertau pellets (10 min boil)
18 litres only

Using wyeast 3333 as a fruity yeast to compliment the ingredients.

He didn't baulk at putting marmalade in a beer,after all he's seen air popped corn, puffed wheat and rice flakes go into the mash b4, so why not another breakfast food? :eek:

The anticipation is high,and i'm lookin 4ward to it .(Caleb's marmalade Ale)

My 9 year old daughter helps me bottle, I fill the bottles and she pops the caps on. Tell ya what saves heaps of time, and she does a might fine job.

Not sure what the 2 year old twins will want to do when they come of age, the boy will be in it, he already says "beer daddy"?, the girl, I think will want to help. Or they will both fight over doing it, spill the beer and make me cry.....

No.3 helps me occasionally he's 25 so is a big help, trouble is we have a beer while waiting on the water to heat, the mash rests and the boil so nett production suffers a bit. We probably drink 5L while making 22.
There's nothing like help, as long as it is actually helpful rather than the other way 'round.

My girl friend helps be bottle occasionally but most of the time sits there looking bored at me.

She comes in handy for wlabelling the caps as well but sometimes I end up with strange messages.....say no more me thinks... :blink:

Anyway, good to here that people out there have sprouts to help out.

Just come in from the brewhaus(shed),after a fun filled hour with the boys.
#2 wanted in on the deal as soon as he heard we were making beer.
Brewing with a 7 and a 4 year old who both want to have a go at everything is a lesson in politics and harmony!

I had to move everything onto the floor so they could access it(OHS nightmare)
Licking fingers and sticking them in the DME and dextrose was a big hit.

After delegating stirring,adding adjuncts and pitching yeast in equal portions I'm buggered."He got to stir longer than me" :angry: Who would have thought K'n"k could be so hard.

either way its in the bucket now and I've got 2 beaming boys who have made their first beer :beer:
The girlfriend is helpful at my place too.

"Here, come hold this tube while I pour these runnings back in."
"Huh? What running?"
"Just hold the tube woman."

Might need to get onto producing the helpers, and hope for XY rather than XX. Not sure about the 9 month fermentation period, and the 7 year conditioning before they're any use! :chug:
No.3 helps me occasionally he's 25 so is a big help, trouble is we have a beer while waiting on the water to heat, the mash rests and the boil so nett production suffers a bit. We probably drink 5L while making 22.

Yes Screwtop,
I've got one of those as well, and you are right, 5 litres is about the go, but that doesn't include what he takes home.
A brew day is a bit like the the add on TV when the father and the son are painting the fence. :lol: I'm not religious, unless of course, it comes to brewing. :eek:
I always thought the Tim "the toolman" Taylor could have done some brewing with his sons instead of building those "street rods" in his garage. :ph34r:
Cheers and keep brewin' with junior!
My daughter used to help me fill and cap..Sadly helper got married..
My 3 sons dont no help there...
Unlike Tim The Toolman I brew and nearly finished my '37 Ford in the garage..
My daughter used to help me fill and cap..Sadly helper got married..
My 3 sons dont no help there...
Unlike Tim The Toolman I brew and nearly finished my '37 Ford in the garage..

Hi PJ,
I'll probably get whipped for goin' off topic but I need to ask;
"37 Ford Restoration or Street Rod??

When I go into my shed I unfortunately only have vision for the brew stand and ancilliary equipment and stock :lol:

wee stu's brury has a small extension.

wee frey's brury specialises in kit based ginger beers, alcoholic and non, with the odd experiment in "all root" ginger beer brewing.

Chief brewer here is 11 year old Freya. And yes, she has her own series of labels.
My daughter used to help me fill and cap..Sadly helper got married..
My 3 sons dont no help there...
Unlike Tim The Toolman I brew and nearly finished my '37 Ford in the garage..

Hi PJ,
I'll probably get whipped for goin' off topic but I need to ask;
"37 Ford Restoration or Street Rod??

When I go into my shed I unfortunately only have vision for the brew stand and ancilliary equipment and stock :lol:


I certainly wouldn't advocate a whipping ;) It's not really that far off topic if you consider that in My brewhaus(shed) I've got a 47 ford Anglia ute in need of restoration(one day maybe,when i win x lotto)that I inherited from the wifes Grand father .
Just like my beers(so i dont go off topic) standard.. 4 door sedan..
Not a show winner. just neat..My Sons helped a little with that one but .( going on topic for Junior help)
They got it for me..rusted and in tea chests..Only needs tyres and shocks and a few little bits

Braulover. had one like yours...
Just like my beers(so i dont go off topic) standard.. 4 door sedan..
Not a show winner. just neat..My Sons helped a little with that one but .( going on topic for Junior help)
They got it for me..rusted and in tea chests..Only needs tyres and shocks and a few little bits

Braulover. had one like yours...

Sounds good PJ,
Keep on keepin' on!!
Yeahboth me boys hepled me with my first ever. A K+K lager with safale 23S. It turned out good despite a bit of finger inside rim. I guess brew never got in contact as 6 week in bottle quite nice first attempt. Progresses since then and no finger aloud lol
Yeahboth me boys hepled me with my first ever. Progresses since then and no finger aloud lol

My apologies for the selective edit,

I know i'll regret this for ever and ever, but;

I think I know this story only the words have changed to protect the guilty (allowed) :lol: :lol: :eek:

Only on a Saturday nite!!
Not so political correct this day and age LOL :D
:lol: :lol::(
Better stick to the Pub
We need picks of the cars...NOW !!...No seriously....stop messing around and post them !!
my 10 yr old daughter used to help with the bottling before the keg appeared,

now she helps out with the crush etc.

the 7 yr old boy prefers the company of the PS2 <_<


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