Brewdog - Sink The Bismark

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Amber Fluid

Beer Snob
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Sink The Bismark

41% ABV and only 330ml a bottle.

I was wondering if anyone had actually tried one of these. I'd like to but am trying to justify the price. Also am I to assume the price is $249 per carton of 24?
Sink The Bismark

41% ABV and only 330ml a bottle.

I was wondering if anyone had actually tried one of these. I'd like to but am trying to justify the price. Also am I to assume the price is $249 per carton of 24?
Are you sitting down?

No, that is the price. Per 330ml stubbie!

You can lift your jaw off the floor now :)
Sink The Bismark

41% ABV and only 330ml a bottle.

I was wondering if anyone had actually tried one of these. I'd like to but am trying to justify the price. Also am I to assume the price is $249 per carton of 24?

uummmm... $249 per bottle???? That's one hell of an expensive beer!!! But at 41% you certainly wouldnt need a second!
Sink The Bismark

41% ABV and only 330ml a bottle.

I was wondering if anyone had actually tried one of these. I'd like to but am trying to justify the price. Also am I to assume the price is $249 per carton of 24?

It'd be funny to see you order 24 bottles and then get the bill :lol:

I don't think I'll be sinking too many Bismarks in the foreseeable future. I wonder if it's actually any good?
tried this at tassie beerfest, and it is quite good like a hop flower exploding in your mouth. but the 50 ml sample i had was more than enough a bottle would last forever.
It is a hard amount to swallow. Considering that Brew Dog themselves list it on their website at 40.00 per bottle, which is about $64.50 AUD. I'm sure there's import taxes, excise etc. involved though.
More importantly, has anyone tried to do something like this at home? I frose some IIPA that was badly poured as a little experiment, and it was quite nice. Has anyone eised large amounts, and to high strengths?
Are you sitting down?

No, that is the price. Per 330ml stubbie!

You can lift your jaw off the floor now :)

Oh dear..... looks like i won't be trying this in a hurry then. What a shame, I really wanted to try a 41% brew too. :icon_drunk:
I have always wanted to crack the 20% alc mark with a beer, something along the lines of a monster belgian or scottish ale etc.
I made up a 11% Bel strong ale last year, and it was quite nice, but im thinking i definately would have needed to freeze/eis the beer to jack the alc % further.
But on the other hand, the amount of stuffing around to produce the beer, time and effort and $$$ involved makes me wonder if its worth it, plus if it will be drinkable or just cough syrup with bubbles.
Canberra Brewers tried a bottle of this shared among, like, 30-40 of us? Barely a sip each but it was astounding!

Like crazily alcoholic hops schnapps - full on.

We had(/have?) it at Plonk for $230/330mL (and it was wholesaled to us pretty exxie as well) and a few people bought bottles to share between 6-10 which seems like a better idea. A nip for everyone at $23 each would work quite well - you really don't need more than that.
Think I would stick to a Scottish Single Malt. Just calculate the price per mouthful of that beer.

Not sure it would be defined as a beer really. I think the price is so high here is the tax is on Alcohol content.
Well that just takes the cake :icon_drool2: If ever I am in Scotland I'd certainly like to see one.

Unfortunately, it's doubtful you will, they made only 11 and all sold out within a couple of weeks :(
I am with Tropical Brews on this one.... I could get a nice Single Malt for that kinda dough.
I'm so tempted......Maybe I'll use some of my Easter public holiday pay to get a bottle, then to find someone to sit down and share it with, probably need 3 or 4 of us...
I've drank Bismarck on countless occasions and at no point have been blown away by it. The nose is incredible no doubt...ridiculously oily, toffee and boozy - it is very unique. BUT drinkability is a problem though and I find it tough to sip more than a generous taster. It's NOT worth the hefty price tag.

As for End of History it's extremely phenolic and the heat is over bearing. Imagine a Belgian Strong such as Duvel at over 50% abv and you get the picture.

I'd agree spend your hard earned on a vintage bottle of Single Malt or alternatively on many great beers!
I've drank Bismarck on countless occasions and at no point have been blown away by it. ... It's NOT worth the hefty price tag.

If you didn't think it was much chop the first time why did you buy countless times more? :p
If you didn't think it was much chop the first time why did you buy countless times more? :p

Working in the beer industry in London has its perks as I get access to many beers at launches, tastings, events etc.

Also a good friend of mine is the Brewdog sales guy for SE England so whenever we get together with friends these kind of beers tend to make an appearance.

All in the name of education of course :p