Brewcraft Cascade Premium Kit

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Just cracked open my first bottle from this kit.

Made it as per the instructions and let it sit bottled for just over a month.

There was a distinctive sulphur smell during the first couple of days of fermentation, but this didn't last long.

The end result is an easy drinking beer that is well carbonated and almost sweet. Not a bad drop after a hard days work, but hardly a Cascade Premium. Obvioulsy everybody has different brewing conditions and techniques, and this will decide the overall outcome, however I recommend trying it out!!

I would love to hear from other brewers experiences with this kit.
Your fermentation temp will affect beer flavour.

I would not be concerned over the Sulfur smells, yeasties just doing their job.

Well done on letting it sit for a month in the bottle... I could never wait that long prior to kegs. :icon_cheers: