Brew In A Bag Gets An Upgrade

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So I fired off an email to BeerandBrewer, about the Braumeister brewery mentioned in the homebrew 101 article.They were kind enough to send me a link to the site Here From what I have read of BIAB its the same but with more stainless bling factor :beerbang:
Me either. Did Pistol Patch break the internet? :D
You're kidding? $5K?!!!?!! All you need is a little Aussie ingenuity and AHB!

those jiggers have been around for donkeys. I believe that one of those is what inspired the first All-in-One brewery post, we even had contributions to the post from a european brewer who uses one.

The bucket in a Bucket all in one is more or less just a homemade version, and BIAB is a simplified version of that. Lots of thought and effort into creatng a cheap easy alternative to an already accepted brewing practise.

The revolutionalry part of BIAB was its goals, not really the process. All of which is one of the reasons I could never quite understand some of the more rampant BIAB objectors.

mimerbryg uses this system and provides a good show'n'tell waaaaayy back at the start of the All in One Brewery thread in July last year.

BIAB is the result of scientific improvements to the method!!!!!! ;) :lol: :ph34r:
Looks like we've come full circle from Das Braumeister

(Where's the emoticon for having a big head) :D

I'd have to say I like the way the BIAB has developed - far greater flexibility in what you can make - with the added bonus of being able to use the gear for 3 vessel AG setup down the track....
Mark (MHB) is selling them at his shop in Newcastle (Marks Homebrew).
A classey looking unit, that provides a lot of flexibility (step mashes, PID controlled etc).
If you have the cash and you don't have the time (or aren't tool handy) then it is a great option.

Mark (MHB) is selling them at his shop in Newcastle (Marks Homebrew).
A classey looking unit, that provides a lot of flexibility (step mashes, PID controlled etc).
If you have the cash and you don't have the time (or aren't tool handy) then it is a great option.


Cool! :super:

Have a link?
How much are they worth on this side of the globe?