Hi Brewers,
announcing the next best thing to drinking beer.............................
making it right!
Learn how to make exceptional beer, almost every time!
Why do I say almost every time? Because even the professionals get it wrong sometimes.
So, I'm not going to give you the ra, ra, ra.
Instead, I'm just going to give you best advice according to my 20 years plus of experience and you can take it away and use some or all of it to produce the best, most consistent beer you can possibly make. I will give you the tools, it is up to you to practice using them and use your own ability, creativity and knowledge to be the best brewer you can.
And we will have time to practice brewing on a small commercial microbrewery. And you get to take some of the beer home after we package it.
And so you haven't done the course before because you thought you could not afford it. Really, when you break it down you can work out how cheap the course really is. A similar course will cost you over $2.5K for 5 days, whether you do it in Melbourne, New Zealand or the USA. In my course you pay 1/3rd of that cost and probably not be taught by a professional brewer. It will be an investment in making and drinking exceptional beer. At a cost of about $160 per day, no other food or beverage course comes close; just have a look at all the Tafe courses out there and you will soon realise that this content rich and exciting course is the best value for money course out there.
So what's holding you back? For further details please view my website,
Cheers to you,