Brew Course

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I was scouring he net and found a brew course in Sydney by COSTANZO BREWING CONSULTANTS. has anybody attended this course or does anybody know anything about it?

Send a PM to username vcostanzo if you want information about the course.

If you want information from non-organisers/attendees only then he only person I know on here who has attended had good things to say about it (attended in Melbourne).
Send a PM to username vcostanzo if you want information about the course.

If you want information from non-organisers/attendees only then he only person I know on here who has attended had good things to say about it (attended in Melbourne).

A few blokes have posted favourable comments on past courses. There are always people who criticise (who'd have thought that men can be such jealous ******* sometimes :rolleyes: )

Would love to do it only time constaints stop me. My theory is if you have the bucks and the time, you will walk away from this a better informed brewer. Give it serious thought if you feel you are in the market for Vince's courses.
I attended last year and it was a very good course.
It does provide you quite a bit more insight into some of the aspects of AG brewing and some of the considerations of a commercial brewery.
The practical part of the course is good too as it shows the operation of a nice HERMS setup.
Vince is good guy and he has quite a lot of commercial experience.

If you have any particular queries, I am happy to have a chat after hours.


doing the course now.
tis very comprehensive and a good bit of fun
would definitely recommend it.
Spoke to a guy at my LHBS who did the course in Melbourne (some time ago - about 1.5 years back). He did it to make the leap from Extract/Partials into All-grain, he said it was very helpful and a lot of practical stuff. I considered the course a while back (think I asked some questions on an old post here) but have since flicked the idea as my brew club and the people there are very helpful. Mind you he has been into our club and chatted to a few people there, and I've discussed a few things with him as well.

Has a background with CUB, Stockade, Matilda Bay and also brewing under licence for some breweries so he has good knowledge - both for the homebrewer and those wanting to make a better home brew. I think he also helped out Kooinda (Microbrewery).

Certainly a cheaper option than some of the University courses out there for those wanting to school up on Brewing.


Thanks for the feed back. The course sound great on the web, and have managed to convince the other half to pay as an early Christmas press y, NICE.

I completed the course today and im disappointed its all over. The lessons were great and went into all aspects of brewing, all the finer points that only comes with experience.

Vince's real world experiences at CUB and stockade are priceless and seeing all the theory in the real world is invaluable, plus the brew days where you can put the knowledge into action are great.

Defiantly recommend the course to anyone wanting to start grain brewing or anyone just interested in the finer points of making better beer. Well worth every cent!

Thanks Vince!

Hi Brewers,

announcing the next best thing to drinking beer.............................making it right!

Learn how to make exceptional beer, almost every time!
Why do I say almost every time? Because even the professionals get it wrong sometimes.
So, I'm not going to give you the ra, ra, ra.

Instead, I'm just going to give you best advice according to my 20 years plus of experience and you can take it away and use some or all of it to produce the best, most consistent beer you can possibly make. I will give you the tools, it is up to you to practice using them and use your own ability, creativity and knowledge to be the best brewer you can.

And we will have time to practice brewing on a small commercial microbrewery. And you get to take some of the beer home after we package it.

And so you haven't done the course before because you thought you could not afford it. Really, when you break it down you can work out how cheap the course really is. A similar course will cost you over $2.5K for 5 days, whether you do it in Melbourne, New Zealand or the USA. In my course you pay 1/3rd of that cost and probably not be taught by a professional brewer. It will be an investment in making and drinking exceptional beer. At a cost of about $160 per day, no other food or beverage course comes close; just have a look at all the Tafe courses out there and you will soon realise that this content rich and exciting course is the best value for money course out there.

So what's holding you back? For further details please view my website,

Cheers to you, Vincent
I just did the 5 day Sydney course - and would have to say it was excellent.

It's well paced, covers a *lot* of material, a good balance between theory and practical - and the practical on brew day (on the commercial brewing rig) was all hands on. He's got a wealth of experience and much of the learnings came from questions asked by the students.

Highly recommended - especially if you are into all grain (or thinking about it) or dreaming of owning your own micro brewery.
I just did the 5 day Sydney course - and would have to say it was excellent.

It's well paced, covers a *lot* of material, a good balance between theory and practical - and the practical on brew day (on the commercial brewing rig) was all hands on. He's got a wealth of experience and much of the learnings came from questions asked by the students.

Highly recommended - especially if you are into all grain (or thinking about it) or dreaming of owning your own micro brewery.

Well, I have now secured a place in Melbourne to do the same, and better, 5 day course.
I have added a tour to a great brewery, Matilda Bay Garage, and, for the first time, a malting tour to Powells Maltings. I have guest speakers, who will talk about tasting beer, and malting barley, both with many years experience in the industry. And of course the highlight of them all, the brew day which we will be brewing a microbrewed craft beer with your involvement.

Don't hesitate for one moment. This is not for the faint hearted. It is suitable for those really wanting to take their homebrewing one step further and in fact is suitable also for the budding microbrewer.
To learn more and to enrol see my website.

Cheers Vincent

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