each bottle to it's own needs I say, they all have different needs...
if they are unknown bottles, say from some random = full treatment, (all of the above)
my own bottles normally get a warm rinse after use, drained and stored in the cupboard..
I get lazy and they sit there for a few days and its off out the back for a soak in some white king oxy action anti bacterial blah blah... good 2 shake rinse (cold) good 2 shake rinse (warm) and NRS before being boxed and in the beer cupboard...
if you
dont know the history of the bottle, err on the safe side and clean the hell out of em with everything good you have... mmmm safe warm feeling ensues
When using the bottle brush (in a drill) on particularly dirty bottles... or being anal... or OCD.. whatever... I always hold the metal where it goes into the neck so the spinning steel never meets glass, just logical really, the surface of the bottle brush is twisted edges and especially at revolutions like from a drill... would be brutal on glass... not ideal.
That being said, I am increasingly not amused with bottle cleaning Sundays...
I end up with suds in my beer :blink: