Boil Over

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Boiled the brew over (again) :( ..... The Officer In Charge (OIC) of my happiness not happy (again) :angry: ... any advice from those who have been there done that??? Don't say stop watching the footy cause that's not going to happen... had to brew now because I had the gear (thanks again James) .... All I'm really after is sympathy :unsure: ....
set the kettle between your open legs and watch the footy. You'll have one more boilover, then be far too scared to ever have one again.
All I'm really after is sympathy[/font]

For what exactly? Knowingly walking away from a set-up you know from experience will boil over thusly causing misery from the handbrake? None here.

You can have a cry on my shoulder about the lost wort though.
Maybe set up the brewing section in front of a tv with a chair?
Footy season finished a fortnight ago as far as I'm aware but if someone's playing a game somewhere couldn't you wait until the games over before you brew?
You should try getting one of those new fan dangled Mobile phones.. They are crazy, they have like a timer/alarm and that.. and you can, like, set it go off at a set, like, time you want like!

*flicks hair*

Make up your mind, are you a real brewer or one of those wimps who can't do without their footie? :wub: ;) ^_^ :huh:
You should try getting one of those new fan dangled Mobile phones.. They are crazy, they have like a timer/alarm and that.. and you can, like, set it go off at a set, like, time you want like!

*flicks hair*



No sympathy here... Get the brewery out of the kitchen and get a TV near the brewery, Hell you only have to be an eagle eye for the hot break.

TV in the garage is the way to go, but even then I sometimes struggle to keep an eye on everything! :p
Just do smaller batches or get yourself a much bigger pot. Makes it that much harder for the wort to crawl out.
The threat of a boilover lasts for only about 5 minutes.
Surely you can time it so it fits in with the half time break.
Or if watching AFL on 7, time it for any one of the hundreds of ad breaks they seem to squeeze in! :D
Seriously though get yourself one of those squirty bottles full of water and hit the foam with the spray as it tries to get out of the kettle!