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I noticed today (& maybe I am slow) that there are forums allowing discussion of each beer style at the BJCP website.

Not much there yet, but might be a good place to talk about Australian Styles, and how we can fit them into BJCP.
I am currently working behind the scenes with the AABA on this issue. When I get to a satisfactory point there, I intend to bring the discussion into the public forums, like the BJCP website, and here (as well as anything else I can think of).

I know sosman has also done some work on this and together with your post indicates this stuff is really needed, so thats really encouraging.

Berp & Sosman

Great to hear this is happening, it will be a good advertisement for us in Australia and the amount of beer we consume.

Not sure how I can help, I'm no beer judge, but please let me know if I collate stuff, or help in other ways. I'm very computer literate and have a bit of time at the moment.


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