Biab - Now Available In The Usa

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good work, they all seem to like it. except that bub character, he seems like a "********" himself - bloody ******. Or is there some tongue in cheek implied that me and my beer influenced head arent picking up on? :unsure:

Yeah congrats to all involved,As nice as it is to see a positive response from the US, i still think that we needn't feel like their approval is needed to establish this as a bonafide method of making good beer.

and WTF is a "fuktard",is it an acronym or something?
Yeah congrats to all involved,As nice as it is to see a positive response from the US, i still think that we needn't feel like their approval is needed to establish this as a bonafide method of making good beer.

and WTF is a "fuktard",is it an acronym or something?

I see it not as a way to "gain approval", but to help others make the change from extract to AG, whether they be Aussie or not!
Pat, remember me calling it Bi-Ab that night? leave the money on the fridge mate...

Screwtop, I remember that well as well as all your encouragement in the early days. Encouragement like that makes a huge difference. I thought I'd actually written that you came up with the name in one of the first 4 posts of the BIAB thread. Just looked then though and I only have your name there - God knows where I wrote the full credit :blink: The credits in the BIAB thread are definitely due for an update! (As you'll see, I gave you and some others a special mention in the post I just wrote in the US :super: )

I might just copy my US post here as I'm buggered. Before I do though, I'd like to say thanks a heap for the bloody nice comments guys. I'm looking forward to reading these tomorrow when not so tired and will send the money promised asap. (The one from Screwtop alone cost me $200 ;) ) Seriously though - really appreciated and I'll PM my thanks later.

Here's the reply I whacked in Thirsty's US thread.

OMG - My first post in the US of A!

Thirsty, you've done a top job at describing BIAB* and I'm sure the guys here will enjoy it as much as we have in Oz. I reckon we could add your description into the AHB Wiki.

Here's one or two corrections that I'd whack in though plus a couple of other thoughts...

1. Mashing Time: Mashing time is as normal. No need to stretch it out. Brad_G and I did some iodine tests while brewing side by side and both brews converted within minutes of each other - about 35 minutes from memory.

2. Efficiency: Tests have shown that BIAB gives higher efficiency. Efficiency into boiler is from 5 to 9% higher than batch-sparging so no problems in this area either.

3. No Need to Raise to Mash Out: I usually just pull the bag out at my mashed temperature. I might give this a go next time as a matter of interest though.

4. Maintaining Mash Temp: I don't have any insulation on my kettle. When mashing I like to check the temp regularly during the first 20 minutes, giving it a good stir each time. If it needs a bit of heat, I just hit it with a little flame. Rarely needs it though.

4. There is Room for Technology Buffs: This is an area that we haven't worked on much but I'm dead keen. I actually want to change my bag to a very fine mesh (like a fish frying basket). I think there's a pic of a great one that FingerlickinB made in the following thread which was the catalyst for BIAB - good on you James Squire!

I also generally brew two different types of beer in one session and am currently thinking of building a setup where I can do two brews simultaneously. I'll have to buy another pot and burner but that's it.

Anyway, that's all for now. All of us BIAB guys will look forward to hearing how you go and I'm sure you'll keep Thirsty busy answering all your questions

Special thanks to all the AHB guys who got BIAB under way. You'll see some of their names in the first thread Thirsty linked and there are more that need to be added. A quick mention though to jimmysuperlative, AndrewQLD, AdamT, Phrak, Coodgee, Ross, sjc and Trough Lolly - I better stop now!

Cheers all,

*Screwtop came up with the BIAB abbreviation and was very encouraging and supportive of this method before we even had a chance to test it out. If you get a chance to read any of his posts on AHB, then do. He's bloody funny!
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I brew in australia and these guys do not talk for whats going on in 'current trends' for brewing. Everyone starts out on kits, and it is not rocket science to go from kits to AG within a few months. I see no need to dumb it down, costs are not expensive to go to AG and if your so scared that you need to use a bag then another tun then go take up knitting. Keep brewing the tried and true way that has been done for so long. How many Micro's do you see brewing with a bag???

costs are not expensive to go to AG

Who is this Pull-Through?
Yeah I saw that one Screwtop. That guy makes you embarrassed to be an Aussie.

Thirsty has also written a nice post in the US thread. Thanks ThirstyBoy :beer:

And PJ, how could I forget the cake stand? I've come up with a way to make sure that everyone who contributed to BIAB gets a mention but it's going to take some volunteer work. I'll post this plan now in this thread


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I was referenced to this board from one of the American ones (Brewboard). I also browse TBN. I find this BIAB process interesting. It seems like a great idea for the extract brewers to go AG due to the need of not having to get involved in having a second vessel, and not having to worry about infusion strike temps and calculating the water-grist ratio.

But, I have a few questions...

1. Does any of the grain make it through the bag to the wort? For example, in regular all-grain techniques you would clear your runnings before placing the mashwater into the kettle.
2. Is the bag a pain in the butt to clean? I remember doing partial-mashs (I hated it) with a grain bag, and cleaning it took a long time.
3. Is the extraction efficiency using this technique predictable and repeatable given you are using the same grain mill?

I currently batch sparge, and I find it pretty easy. But, since I am always looking for new/different ways (and hate transferring water), I am curious.

Sorry if this had been answered in another thread/faq, but I do not remember the answers to these 3 questions...

Welcome to AHB bayweiss. I'll answer your questions in this thread

I think someone else had a question earlier as well, If it hasn't been answered I'll do that there as well.

Welcome BayWei

How about that Pat, BiAb into Germany now. Baywei is AHB member 4199 not bad considering The Brewing Network forum in the great big US of A only has about 1377 members.
good work, they all seem to like it. except that bub character, he seems like a "********" himself - bloody ******. Or is there some tongue in cheek implied that me and my beer influenced head arent picking up on? :unsure:
Bubs tounge is always in his cheek. He means evey last bit of the offence he causes... and he's my mate. Keep reading, he redeems himself nicely just a couple of posts on. :D
Well, at four pages long it took me a while to read the thread that is about the thread that I posted... bloody hell!

Couple of things to say.

If you are concerned that "whoever wrote that US thread" didn't give PP enogh credit... I suggest you go back a few posts on this thread and read wortgames' last post. He seems to have taken enough time to actually read the whole thread I posted in the US, and think about it before he reacted. But I'll also respond 'cause I'm not all that happy and I want to have my 2 cents worth.

Browndog - I got your PM and you should ignore the impolite part of this response.

Here's the polite part of my response

- I never hid who I was. I use the same nic here as in the BN forum, the same avatar even; and I PM'd PP about the thread as soon as I posted it. He was the one who announced it here and stated that it was me. So "whoever" is me. Quite frankly the lack of attention to detail that means you miss something that damn obvious, makes it hard to take your following critisism seriously

- Not giving credit to PP. Jeezus, have you people never heard of subtlty. I thought I would introduce BIAB as a process developed by a community of brewers, not as the invention of one. I wanted to gauge reactions, look at the responses etc before I posted further info or started handing out kudos. Perhaps a question here or a comment there that could be answered with " well PP, one of the main people involved in deveolping BIAB says...." or some such thing. Maybe I just wanted them to see that it was actually a good idea before I posted some sort of virtual honours board. ****, do you see the credits roll before the audience has a chance to watch the movie? Try a little patience guys, I was getting to it...

Now here's the very impolite part of my response. If you have delicate sensibilities, best to not read further

Deleted to due to being FAR too impolite - went a little far. Sorry

Impoliteness ended...

Pat. Looks like you are getting questions from the US post already, but you have plenty of time to respond to even more questions.... right? :) Sorry mate. I thought/hope that the majority of the questions go to the BN thread, where I would field them with refferences back to here when necessary. I know that you wont... but if it gets too much, you can just handball the new ones on to me. I stuck my head up, my job to catch whats being thrown.

Thanks to all of you who thought what I did had some value. I really appreciate the comments.

Ah Thirsty! It looks like you're feeling how I feel on occassion.

Most of the time I find writing stuff here consuming and enjoyable but occassionally it drives me insane when someone says something negative or more usually incorrect. If this happens after a few too many then any altruism you've said I might posess above, goes out the window!

There's two or three guys on this forum who particularly get my goat. One day they're nice as and the next they come out attacking. (Weird as I reckon and I have no idea why they do it.) When they get me at the wrong time (i.e. after way too many commercial beers - yuck!) I usually write something horrific which hopefully I delete quickly enough in the morning - lol!

Occassionally an innocent gets it as well though not often.

Friday night was one of those commercial beer nights with a brew going and visitors. I remember on Friday night chatting to two of the blokes here and I know for sure that I said something like, "Would have been nice to get a mention!" So I'm sure that I've caused some of the angst you are writing about.

So I'd say I would have had zero altruism on Friday! Sorry about that mate!

Thirsty has written some quite brilliant stuff in the BIAB thread and has offered to help out when I asked recently for a hand. So he does whack in a lot of great stuff here.

Sorry that you posted on a Friday night Thirsty. Friday's often fun but sometimes dangerous!

Take it easy mate and I look forward to watching you answer all the US questions! You may have to give up any full-time work you have though ;)

Keep writing your brilliant stuff mate. It always gobsmacks me.

Appology post...

I edited the nasty bit out of my last post, and I just wanted to appologise for it. I went off tap a bit to vigorously.

If you didn't see it... good

If you did see it. Sorry. I'll try to keep a lid on it in the future.

Hey Thirsty,or anyone else who can shed some light.

Excuse my ignorance if it's obvious,but I'm more than a little curious as to the significance of those distinctly coloured sherpa type hats.

Admin dude wears one,Thirsty has modded his avatar to have one ,and yet another dude has em in his avatar on his equipment.
Hey Thirsty,or anyone else who can shed some light.

Excuse my ignorance if it's obvious,but I'm more than a little curious as to the significance of those distinctly coloured sherpa type hats.

Admin dude wears one,Thirsty has modded his avatar to have one ,and yet another dude has em in his avatar on his equipment.

Must have something to do with is a pic of some crazy German dude my dad travelled up North with and ended up bringing back to town for a week:


Yes, he liked beer a lot and he had the hat :unsure:

This is all good and well, but I swear, if I see a BIAB system for sale on morebeer or northern brewer we raise the black flag, spit on our hands and start slashing throats!!

TL (who's well into a keg of ESB)! burp.....