Best Beer Related Policy

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What is the policy related to beer, brewing or similar area that the pollies could spruke to get you to vote for them?

I'll start -

Lower the cost of a liquor license if a/ the beer is brewed on site and b/ there is no pokies. This would help brew pubs get a head start and hopefully get more real beer out there.

Here is a Party Slogan we used as students in Sweden.
Straight translation
Free Booze and wider footpaths

How 'bout an Aussie version:

Free hops and abolish the pollies :rolleyes:
What is the policy related to beer, brewing or similar area that the pollies could spruke to get you to vote for them?

I'll start -

Lower the cost of a liquor license if a/ the beer is brewed on site and b/ there is no pokies. This would help brew pubs get a head start and hopefully get more real beer out there.


Giving microbreweries the same tax breaks as small wineries seems like the obvious one to me.
That would get my vote for sure.

Cheers, Andrew.
As would I.
In fact I think this is the most important federal policy aspect in relation to beer.

Cheaper conditional liq licence is also very important but that is a state by state matter.
Thy should give massive payout support packages to malt farmers!

Lower the stupid micro brewery excise as already mentioned!

Then get Goat Hightail on tap @ parliment house!
Why take the Coalition's Kit & Kilo when you can back a man who is going All Grain :D
Yep, Thunderlips,
Spot on, not a cheap drop. The place I actually bought a 6 pack once it was $83 for a case. And dont look at the cost of Grand Ridge's 8.5% Moonshine (I saw it at $130 a case) or their 11% odd Supershine at about $8 for a 330mL stubby. Thats excise at work for ya. Bit different to the states where ya can pick up a 650mL bottle of 11% beer for around $3-4. Our liquor laws really need an overhaul.
One thing that would make me vote for a politician would be reverting back to the old import allowances when coming back from overseas. It used to be 1.5L of spirits, or 9L of beer. Then they "upgraded" to 2.25L of spirits or 2.25L of beer, so basically, if ya bring back more than a 6 pack, you are going to have to pay all their ridiculously high duties.
I know that in Canada you can bring in a case (8L) of beer, or 2 bottles of wine/spirits, and in New Zealand, ya can bring in a case of beer PLUS 6 bottles of wine, or 2 bottles of spirits (or thats what they told me at the airport on my way to Canada).
I think if the Libs get back in it will be at least another 4 years before we see any kind of overhaul on the beer tax system, cause there has been a push for it for at least a few years now, and they arent listening. That's not to say Labor will do it for sure, but at least they probably represent the beer drinkers more-so than the wine set. Anybody know what the Three Day Weekend Party's policy is on beer reform???
All the best
and cut down on some of the bullshite ATO red tape found here!!!

This bullshite red tape just goes to prove that the pollies aren't really in charge. The country is run by public servants for public servants. It's all to keep themselves employed first and foremost.
Having said that, I won't be voting for the bloke who should be on his pension by now, and tending to his roses, as i can't imagine mrs howard would ever consent to him brewing beer!

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