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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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Sydney are going to be bringing out a magazine. Not a lot of detail available yet, but their is a FAQ here.

Time to start lobbying them to include homebrew artricles in each edition :)
From that i read that there will be an issue or 3 out before they start subscriptions..!?!? wonder if we will be getting access to those? maybe we could contact them as "AHB" and ask for a certain number to be shipped.?
i'd be interested in checking it out.
wee stu said:
Time to start lobbying them to include homebrew artricles in each edition :)

Sent them an email lobbying for homebrew/craftbrewing articles :) we can only try.
Just on the whole Beer Advocate theme <_<

This thread has turned up

Anyone here heard about this imminent entry to the aussie beer world.

Started of sounding good but sort of ends up a bit wishy washy with the intended styles.maybe taking the middle ground in the interests of sales :excl:
Oh dear :( missed that thread when I was on that site, it's worth a read <_<
An update on the mag (without much detail still) today here from BA.

Until July 1, 2006, beer lovers can become "Founding Subscribers" which entitles them to the Fall 2006 Inaugural Issue, an Official BeerAdvocate 2007 Calendar, a 12-month subscription starting in 2007, and a locked annual subscription rate of $19.95 per year, for life. Founding Subscribers are already in the thousands.

Has anyone signed up ?
I see the Founding Subscriber membership closes on 1 July.

We'll see if it ever becomes reality. It's rare for anything the brothers do to actually be finished.

I can imagine if anyone questioned an article, they'd be banned and have their subscription removed!
We'll see if it ever becomes reality. It's rare for anything the brothers do to actually be finished.

i agree pruducing a magazine will be difficult as its different from anything they have done previously, but i subscribed for it as soon as i heard about it with no hesitation.

from what i have seen since i've been a member on BA, they get things done more often than not. maybe the perception that they dont finish things comes from the fact that they attempt so much and give details on their website.

BA fests every year-done
run a website with 65,000+ members-done
run a store through the site-done
brew two beers with harpoon brewery-done

you might be refering to them attempting to open a brewpub. i can see how they might be a bit busy at the moment. anyway, just sharing my point of view from being a member of both sites (BA and AHB) for a while now. each are fantastic in their own way and in what they are trying to accomplish.
We'll see if it ever becomes reality. It's rare for anything the brothers do to actually be finished.

I can imagine if anyone questioned an article, they'd be banned and have their subscription removed!

Geez, thats quite a stance there!

I lived in Boston for three years (where the Alstrom brothers come from), and I never got the impression they could not finish a job. In fact, it is partly because of them that Boston has such a vibrant beer scene with many beer festivals each year, pub crawls, smaller beer events, tastings etc etc. Something that I find lacking in Australia (well, Sydney at least).

I signed up straight away too when they announced it. We will see how it goes I guess.
I was more refering to some of their amusing ideas such as the BA plane tour of the US etc.

I'll drop it anyway :)
Founding Subscription membership offer closes 1 Aug. Anyone other than Finite subscribe ?

Yep, I subscribed. They've had some good articles on the front page, I hope the mag is along the same lines. I feel good about supporting them too, I think it's the best beer rating website. I know I've got plenty of value out of it without paying a cent.
prety sure I had a "stu moment" late one night, or probably early one morning.

Damn paypal!!
It has gone to print just in time for the Fall '06 deadline.
Even though I haven't had time to read my last three issues of BYO thouroughly yet, I'm hoping to catchup over xmas.
From here


Can't wait, should be good. I thought the price was pretty decent and it stays the same forever if your a founding subscriber.

Did you end up getting one Doc?
i'v signed myself up a while back, looking forward to my free t-shirt, oh and the magazine as well :)

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