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On a different note, what numbnut set out that beer shelf? Talk about a schizo mix, Duvel next to MGD?
I like it !

To the person who posted it, is that in the US or NZ ?

Funny also that Lucky beer seems to be one of the most exxy. <_<
Last time I was in the states I dropped in to a wonderful beer bar in kentucky: The Beer Trappe.

The biggest surprise, $2 stubbies of Coopers Green.
I am unemployed in the US and pay over $1000/month for health insurance.

That is a mix and match 6 pack shelf. For those folks not wanting to buy 6 of one flavor. "Beer Traveling" as it would be. Like your mum bringing you home a t-shirt from her vacation except better and hopefully wetter.

I've never been to Australia. Are folks friendly to outsiders? My relatives from the Slovak Republic are very warm. The beer there is ridiculously cheap when you get away from the big cities. 50/pint...World Cup...Schnaaps, the room is spinning...whoops flashback
I am unemployed in the US and pay over $1000/month for health insurance.

That is a mix and match 6 pack shelf. For those folks not wanting to buy 6 of one flavor. "Beer Traveling" as it would be. Like your mum bringing you home a t-shirt from her vacation except better and hopefully wetter.

I've never been to Australia. Are folks friendly to outsiders? My relatives from the Slovak Republic are very warm. The beer there is ridiculously cheap when you get away from the big cities. 50/pint...World Cup...Schnaaps, the room is spinning...whoops flashback

We are quite friendly............have you seen the movie deliverance???


Like your mum bringing you home a t-shirt from her vacation except better and hopefully wetter.

What happens in Cancun, stays in Cancun. How did you know about my holiday with your mum and the wet t-shirt competition?
What happens in Cancun, stays in Cancun. How did you know about my holiday with your mum and the wet t-shirt competition?
She brags. How's your neck? I bet you thought she was going to use her hands to take your dollar.

Matter of fact I just sent the Deliverance DVD back yesterday and put away my canoe. Where can you guys canoe inland?
I've never been to Australia. Are folks friendly to outsiders?

Yeah, friendly while you are buying the rounds.
why does it suprise you. the US has a completely differant liquor tax/excise system to Australia.

because we have extra tax cash we have one of the best public health and social services system in the world. money has to come from somewhere. cant have everything. not saying im happy about paying a fortune for beer but then again thats also why I brew.
A six pack of Leffe for $9.50? Here it would be at least double that. I don't believe it's all excise ot shipping for that matter. Australia has the highest retail margins in the world mainly due to a lack of competition. And that can be blamed on restrictive trading laws. I heard that small shop owners were going to try and get the rules relaxed so they'd be able to sell beer and wine amongst other things. Vested interests have attempted to nip it in the bud on public health grounds. Pigs arse, they just don't want the competition.
sure we are ... the Australia tourist board even made a movie about how friendly we are:

There's another in the Netflix Cue.

I Met some fellas from Ontario Canada today. They were in town for the snowmobile grass-drag races this weekend. Cigarrettes are $14/pack and a 12pk of Heinekken is $24.00 back in Canada. Our gas is pretty cheap too they say. $3.85/4L

I graduated from tech school as an electronics tech, plus 3 years of college. I have 21 years of experience as a tech. I fix/build computers. I put fire alarm systems in stadiums. I put LANs in skyscrapers. I dig ditches, swing on telegraph poles, run away from dogs to fix telephones.
I have no health insurance now, no job, unemployment insurance runs out next week. I'll trade anybody with a job and a pension for the deal I got.
and my wife thinks her hymen will grow back if (we) she just gives it a long enough rest.

As you folks would say

Stuff Me!!!

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