Ball lock or pin lock keg

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What are the pros and cons of ball lock and pin lock kegs...and who prefer wich one
Merged the two topics into Gear and Equipment
Ball locks are great. Pin locks suck. Only ever had trouble with the pin locks getting the bastards on and off. Have just finished converting to ball lock at some expense. Much easier.
I've only been kegging for a few months, only used ball lock kegs. No experience with pin locks, but more than happy with the ball locks. Really easy to use (only wish I'd switched from bottling sooner now :lol:)
I use Pin locks because my mate started kegging before me and that's what he got, His system works so I went along the same path. Helps to have the same gear when it comes swapping kegs with each other etc. Pin locks are shorter and fatter so it works better for my current fridge (upright) means I can fit four kegs inside-two storey style,not so good for a Keezer where floor space is key. There's more "accessories" and adaptions for the ball lock style connection as well.
Hard to find second hand ball lock kegs. So if you're on a budget then pin lock would be best option. That said posts aren't easy to come by should one break or need replacing. You could upgrade to ball lock fittings when the pin lock post needs replacing. Also pin lock kegs don't have the pressure relief valve with the ring you pull like ball lock kegs do.
I had pin locks and converted them to ball locks as I had endless issues with them. Haven't had issues since, although I would advise against buying the cheap gas and beer disconnects as they're s**t
MichaelM said:
Also pin lock kegs don't have the pressure relief valve with the ring you pull like ball lock kegs do.
I have pin lock kegs & they all have PRV's

Never had a problem with my pin locks, but I have a ball lock party keg & once put the gas disconnect on the out post, took me forever & much cursing to get the bastard off. You'll never have that issue with pin locks
I've had both. Ball locks are easier to get your beer and gas disconnects confused, and when done so can be a real bitch to get off. Ball lock legs and parts are more readily available, and for this reason alone, they are what I'd recommend.
Spiesy said:
Ball locks are easier to get your beer and gas disconnects confused, and when done so can be a real bitch to get off.
I wrap red insulation tape around the rubber handle / daub a blob of red paint next to the gas post and wrap red insulation tape at the end of the tube running to the gas disconnect to solve that issue after realising that getting it wrong was way more than a 50:50 chance despite there only being two,options
I've got a bunch of pin-locks. Only got them because that's what the LHBS recommended.
(all my pin-lock kegs came with PRV (pressure release valves)).

Once I worked out the size differences in o-rings, I haven't had any pin-lock specific issues.
(summary: pin-lock outside o-rings are larger. Ball-lock o-rings will leak gas on pin-lock posts).

Everything on the market seems to be ball-lock, ball-lock, ball-lock though.

Pin locks are shorter and fatter. Ball-locks taller and skinnier.

You can change the posts over (although I've only done 1 keg so far), it's expensive.

If I started again, I would get ball-lock, but only because they're a little more common in terms of spare parts, etc.