Backpacking At 22 Vs Backpacking At 62

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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Off on a wander down to NSW for a couple of weeks, it's the first time in a few decades that I'm strappin up in a rucksack. I thought "this is going to be like the old days:" Yeah right:::::

Backpacking at 22 - one year in Turkey, North Africa, Israel
Backpacking at 62- 10 days in Newcastle and Sydney

Army mid size rucksack, couple of side pockets - Sleeping bag.
Anaconda huge bugger with more pouches and compartments than you can poke a stick at. Sleeping bag. Inflatable pillow.

Doc Martins, 2 pair woolly socks, pair jandals made out of car tyre
Rivers hikers, slip on Volleys large check, slip on volleys small check, leather boat shoes for more formal setting, 8 pairs socks

Jeans, khaki shorts, belt 32"
Jeans, long cammos, two short cammos, belt 38"

2 tie died t shirts, leather coat, beanie, cheesecloth Afghan shirt, 2 jocks.
2 polos, 2 t shirts, three fleece tops, heavier coat with hoody, more formal jacket for dining in City, 2 long sleeved shirts, 6 jocks

Toothbrush, toothpaste, small jar tiger balm, durex fetherlite
Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, rinse, Nurofen, Mylanta, bandaids, deodorant, blood pressure pills, hiatus hernia pills, fish oil, pro-gout pills, pad of scripts in case of flare up of inflammatory eye disease, shampoo, conditioner, moisturiser, gelwax, what would I need sticky tape for?

Lonely Planet live in Turkey for $10 a day. Passport. Wallet, cash, travellers cheques. Disappear totally for a year.
Mobile phone and charger, digital camera and charger, mp3 player, usb cords, Wallet, cash, visa debit, drivers licence, medicare card, seniors card to get discounts on transport, folder of web page print offs for XPT train and Wotif hotel bookings, bag of $2 coins for Internet cafes so I won't be out of touch with the Cloud for more than 12 hours... oh the horror :eek: Reading glasses and computer glasses so I can even ******* see any of the above.

Bag of hazelnuts
Blitz Mints, flat bottles of scotch to sneak onto XPT to cut the lite beer, hand luggage of home brew samples in PET bottles........

Yup I'm obviously into the 21st Century. Wondering if I maybe should get myself a $400 netbook as well. Oh so tempting. :blink:
LOL - good stuff Bribie.
My partner comes from a family of hikers who used to take their camp with them in back packs.
These days my partner and I take a 4x4 loaded full of stuff and a 6x4 trailer and now were looking to a roof rack. Its amazing what two 20 somethings and a dog "need" for a few days bush...

Then again I too look at my behaviour as a 17-21 yr old. Sleeping on park benches, going everywhere and anywhere I felt like without telling anyone. Hitch hiking, falling asleep and waking up in a completely different state (I mean I woke up in Mt Gambier... not nessicarily sober)
I'd leave for work thursday morning and likely not return home till monday evening - more than likely still in the same clothes (how the hell did I hold a job?)

These days - need a comfy bed. Camp bed consists of 3 bed rolls under a queen size self inflating mat with 2 sleeping bags zipped together and on cold nights there might even be a hot water bottle. I'm contactable by mobile pretty much 24/7. I rarely leave the house and I wouldnt dare think of hitch hiking (heck Im dubious about picking up a hitch hiker these days)! a trip away over night normally involves a large suitcase.

Hell I'm only 26 - that the hell is going to happen when I'm your age! Although I wonder as my behaviour changed once I started working for mum & dad and I got a girlfriend...
As for net books - my parents have one when they go OS - really really handy for keeping in contact. BUT they can be a bit of a PITA too as they dont use it for months then when they go away undoubtly their antivirus software has expired or something or other and they have a bit of drama with it for the first few days. Also the keys are quite small and they take a USB mouse with them as the touch pad mouse thingy is a bit annoying.

I have to admit - you have me worried! Might have to make a cull of some camping gear LOL
Enjoy your trip.
Well I've still got the same belt I took round Italy in 1975. It's gone out 2 holes and I would wear it more often but not many trowsies nowadays have 3" belt loops.

I didn't see desert boots on the list <_<
Nah, for some reason I never liked desert boots, they were bloody uncomfortable for hiking (a bit like Colorado boots nowadays, all show and no go). However I still have my original Adidas jacket from 1974 as worn in all the best Cardiff night clubs :rolleyes:


No way I can fit into it, but as it will soon be forty years old, it's probably turning into a collectable. Adidas might pay me for it one day. haha
Toothbrush, toothpaste, small jar tiger balm, durex fetherlite
Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, rinse, Nurofen, Mylanta, bandaids, deodorant, blood pressure pills, hiatus hernia pills, fish oil, pro-gout pills, pad of scripts in case of flare up of inflammatory eye disease, shampoo, conditioner, moisturiser, gelwax, what would I need sticky tape for?

:lol: :lol:

I feel like I've gone pretty much the same way in the last 10 years,

I'm 35 this October...... :mellow:
Gold Bribie & no recycled pictures :lol:

Have a safe trip mate... :icon_chickcheers:
Surely Bribie is packing one of his 'urn jackets' to remind him of that great smell of the mash whilst on his travels...?
I'm taking my sleeping bag urn-lagger. It's had a bit of wort spilled on it, give me something to lick during the night. (something alternative to lick....? ) ;)
Bribie...the keith richards of AHB..

U never cease to amaze me mate