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aus Bier hergestellt
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So after a while of not enough time (2 kids) and too many ideas (any time I had always ended up in tinkering with my rig instead of brewing), I've finally got back into the swing of things.

Still need to sort out my herms, but I've at least got a rig I can brew on (ie not in pieces in the garage)

It seems a lot has changed here while I've been gone (less kittens, more brewing), but still looks like there are a lot of familiar faces hanging around.

I've got a keg of an Aussie larger conditioning, and a pils and pale ale fermenting, so should have all my taps back in commission soon.

Feels good to be back in the game, and looking forward to the $ savings of brewing my own again (just don't tell the wife that the cost of stainless bling negates the savings)
Welcome back.

I'm sure the amount of joy this hobby brings you will be larger than the cost of the lager you're conditioning.

(Sorry, just trying to placate the Beer Gods lest we invoke their wrath.)
It may be a larger lager which may be cost neutral.

But the enjoyment of this far outweighs any neutrality, especially when the wife has access to the beer source account (retail, the brewing account shall be hidden or confusicated)
Stupid phone and its autosuggest.

Of course the large amount of lager I may have consumed probably didn't help.

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