Australian Cerveza

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Hi guys! just wanted to get your opinion on my latest creation!

1x Coopers Mexican Cerveza
1x Coopers Australian Pale Ale
1x Brewcraft #10
400g dextrose
12g Super Alpha hops
24g Cascade hops
Both the yeasts from under the lids

Laid down on Saturday arvo, and currently bubbling away in my hot box at 22 degrees.

Was thinking of dryhopping some more Cascade this coming thursday.

Hi BB,

are both those tins hopped extract tins?
Could be pretty hoppy already mate. I am only just starting out by my understanding is you need to be careful when combining two pre-hopped kits as you could end up with epic bitterness.

You also added some additional hops already. How long were they boiled for? Maybe don't worry about the dry hopping.
Either way too late to change it now since it is already bubbling away :p

I reckon at the end of the day, a beer is better than no beer. Could be a gem, let us know how it turns out.


Hi guys! just wanted to get your opinion on my latest creation!

1x Coopers Mexican Cerveza
1x Coopers Australian Pale Ale
1x Brewcraft #10
400g dextrose
12g Super Alpha hops
24g Cascade hops
Both the yeasts from under the lids

Laid down on Saturday arvo, and currently bubbling away in my hot box at 22 degrees.

Was thinking of dryhopping some more Cascade this coming thursday.

yeah, just he cans mate, im not getting into making up my own just yet, though it seems easy enough! i was kinda half going my the BrewCellars Corona recipie, which uses the hops, and plus i do like a good hoppy beer, like the local Bootleg Brewerys Settlers Pale Ale. Bitterness could deff be a problem then.... all i did with the hops was put them in some hot water straight ftom the kettle, and tipped them in, its been working fine with all my other brews that iv been working on.

Like you said, its in the hot box, and nothing much can be done!
I don't think it will be too bitter the Coops Mex is one of the blandest kits around so should be good.

:icon_offtopic: I just did a Mangrove Jacks Dutch Lager with some extra Hallertau and rice malt extract ( maltose ) + 1kg of dme.

Crap is a kind way to describe it not sure it will improve with age got a winey tartness to the taste.

Suggest you drop the temperature a little bit to just under the 20 mark for good measure.
i was thinking that the 22 was a little high, and did try adjusting my thermostat but it wasnt playing the game. have asked SWMBO to open the door and turn the heat off, so ill sort it out when i get homes!
i was thinking that the 22 was a little high, and did try adjusting my thermostat but it wasnt playing the game. have asked SWMBO to open the door and turn the heat off, so ill sort it out when i get homes!

Wouldn't bother this time BB. Probably too far gone into the fermentation to worry about the temp - It's the very early stages of fermentation that highish temps are a problem. Keep in mind if you did do anything to change the temp, outside of something pretty extreme, the thermal mass inside your fermenter will take a day or so for the change to be noticeable in the wort.

EDIT: Actually, if you put it down sat'dy, if it only started bubbling yesterday or today if it had a bit of a lag time, it will probably be a good idea to lower the temp asap - just a tad....

22deg is'nt ridiculous by any stretch, but it is at the higher end of the spectrum for a generic yeast. As previously mentioned, try 19 or even better 16-18 for a lot of ale yeasts.

With regards to the recipe, depends on what your'e trying to do.....Trying to brew a "cerveza"? Most common example of this style, even though cerveza is generically spanish for beer, is Corona.

Most people would consider cascade out of style for this type of beer. Better suited to pale ales, specifically of the american variety....However, if not worrying about style, it will probably produce quite a nice beer.

I kind of doubt the that it will be much like Corona with the second can Coopers Pale which will be predominant and the cerveza just adding a little bit towards it. Cascade should be fine heading towards an American Pale Ale.
Assuming both kits are 1.7Kg and the Brewcraft #10 is 60/40 dex and LDME with a final volume of 25L you are going to get around 7% Alc. If you only went to 23L it will end up around 7.5% Alc. Hold onto your hat when you get around to having a couple.

Next time I would drop the sugar kit and stick with the 2 cans of goo to keep it around the 5% mark.

Hey there BB,

I do a regular 2 can of coopers pale ale kit and feel it not too bitter at all for a pale ale, i personally feel it is a great kit beer, last time i dry hoppd it with 20g cascade and 20g amarillo, which gave it a lovely aroma. A little much intially was very harsh and very grassy but after about 6 weeks in the bottle i has turned great.

So in the end i reakon toucans can make great beers and have made about 6 combos and never had one i didn't like, and using extra hops for flavour and aroma can make it better my advice is to use hops that you like. I am fan of cascade i feel it works well with that kit, i won't comment on the super alpha as i havn't used it before. Let us know how it goes.

what im trying to do it brew a beer that will make my mates go WOW!! plus something that i can leave for a few months so that when summer comes, i can go WOW!! im not really worried about style, im worried about taste. something fresh, something clean and something with a bit of zing! from the hydro last night, i think i may have fluked all of these and hit the nail on the head! fresh, clean and hoppy, even if its still a little sweet!

iv managed to get the temp down to 20, and yes, there was a bit of lag time before things started bubbling. fingers crossed that io havent mucked it up!

as for the "cerveza" name, i just went by the two cans i put in, and australian cerveza sounded much better than a mexican pale ale, speshly since i want it for an australian summer!