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Strangely I cant even go there!

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I wonder what the demographic of voters would looks like...anyone for an 80% USA-based population? The hell with that!

Even if every person in Australia voted, thats still only one fifteenth of the population of the USA.

I say we create our own 'what beer is best' list. Everyone lists their top three, and we collect until at least one-hundred people have voted. Then we take the top 10. Then we'll know what beer WE like. Not some guy in Alaska...

I rest my case.

- boingk
The fact that they do not credit Denmark and Belgium with having states show a bias in their knowledge. I am sure if the Belgian's ran the survey it would be different.

Best to ignore it.
Geekorama. Is there even one in there that you could sink more than one of in a row?

A list made for and by self-appointed "connoisseurs" who wouldn't know what to do in a proper pub or at a barbie.
I have to admit I took a small amount of pleasure is starting what I knew would be an offensive thread,
I wonder what the demographic of voters would looks like...anyone for an 80% USA-based population? The hell with that!

Even if every person in Australia voted, thats still only one fifteenth of the population of the USA.

I say we create our own 'what beer is best' list. Everyone lists their top three, and we collect until at least one-hundred people have voted. Then we take the top 10. Then we'll know what beer WE like. Not some guy in Alaska...

I rest my case.

- boingk

Or you could contribute to ratebeer or beeradvocate, increasing the diversity of the rating base? :)
Geekorama. Is there even one in there that you could sink more than one of in a row?

A list made for and by self-appointed "connoisseurs" who wouldn't know what to do in a proper pub or at a barbie.

I have never done a '+1' on any forum ever but...............


I have to admit I took a small amount of pleasure is starting what I knew would be an offensive thread,

second +1

There's a lot of big beers on that list :unsure:

this list is as sutble as a bag lemons at a KG lang concert
My conclusion - People who drink Imperial Stout, rate beers for fun.

Not to self - Don't drink Imperial Stouts....
I have never done a '+1' on any forum ever but...............


second +1

this list is as sutble as a bag lemons at a KG lang concert


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