Are You Addicted To Your Homebrew ?

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I don't know if it's an addiction...

But when I go out nowadays I don't seem to get drunk very often any more - I usually can't stand the beers available - I even try the wines at some venues instead of ordering a crappy beer

So I may be regarded as a snob then :p

I also do crave going home and cracking a longie or two after work

The thing I think I like about craftbrewing the most is making / learning / experimenting / and sampling the product

I do however spend far too much time lurking around forums and visitng websites pertaining to beer making

I no longer drink to get drunk like in my younger days - but still don't mind a couple of beers for the mellowing effect

I don't know if it's an addiction...

But when I go out nowadays I don't seem to get drunk very often any more - I usually can't stand the beers available - I even try the wines at some venues instead of ordering a crappy beer

So I may be regarded as a snob then :p

I also do crave going home and cracking a longie or two after work

The thing I think I like about craftbrewing the most is making / learning / experimenting / and sampling the product

I do however spend far too much time lurking around forums and visitng websites pertaining to beer making

I no longer drink to get drunk like in my younger days - but still don't mind a couple of beers for the mellowing effect

Yep, you are addicted too !
I seem to have this and a few other beer forums open all day at work. Am always trying to tweak a recipe to the nth degree before i put it down and find the act of actually making the beer almost an anti-climax. I kept telling myself i had enough bottles in the shed, some 250 full of beer and yet i still went to the HBS today and picked stuff to do another 2 brews this weekend :blink:

And when i buy beer it tends to be 6 packs of speciality beers, little creatures, english ales and the like rather than megaswill......

Re-reading my reply - i think i may be addicted too :beer:

I'm certainly craving a drop of sweet, sweet ale right now. Please let there be an APA or two in the fridge when I get home... :unsure:
Not addicted [well I don't think so] and I don't go to meetings :D but a beer snob of sorts <_< If it's crap beer I will not drink it, that includes some home brews a few people call beer.

Are you addicted to polls and inane questions?

"Addiction" is a very strong word, with a clinical meaning. To some degree, all of the regulars here are addicted. Traits to look for: obsessive thoughts; daily consumption; when the object/substance is not available, thoughts turn to the substance/object; withdrawl symptoms following deprivation; there are probably others, but I cbf'd looking for them.

In short, I like my homebrew better than "most" beer. If I run out, I'll drink other beer and bemoan my stupid lack of planning. Atm, I am on a month off drinking (but not brewing, so I occassionaly take a mouthful to sample, but just enough to check on quality/progress/etc) to give my liver a rest. I have 2 kegs conditioning in the fridge, and they'll be safe enough until I come off my liver-rest. If I was addicted, I reckon I'd consume to my own detriment. However, I'm not getting withdrawl (which is a bit of a surprise to me actually) in fact I've lost a few kilos, feel better, sleep better and look healthier. Hmm.


It is a form of counselling I embark upon with consultations from the fellow brewers on the forum which help me get through my concerns in life, related to the brewing kind, as I sit here in cyberspace and worry that the problem may only affect me .

Pumpy :blink:
I'm not addicted - My brews are on tap purely for research & education, on the products I stock :ph34r:
My customers also like to try before they buy, so what better way than supplying samples of the finished product... of course, it would be rude not to join them :p
Hope the Taxman's more gulible than you lot B)

Cheers Ross
Ps. don't know if i'm addicted, i'm deffinatly a beer snob now tho. decided to stay dry at a friends sisters wedding rather than drink Vic and i'm usually well known as a drinker

I've gained the same beer snobbery now. I'd rather drink wine at those functions serving boring beer/s. I'm nowhere near as big a wine snob but worse with coffee. Better a cup of tea than **** coffee!
addicted to brewing?
addicted to beer?

I dont know what that means, because I dont know how it feels without :p

can one be addicted to breath? to eat? to sleep?

Thought I was addicted to the "silly stuff". There's plenty of that in commercial beer as well as in my HB so why can't I stomach the commercial stuff any more. Must be addicted to the actual flavour and aroma of good HB then. Pheew, thats a relief.
On the flip-side, I do find myself paying a lot more attention to the beer I drink (flavour, aroma, etc - not just engaging it in conversation) regardless of where it is.

I don't tend to engage any beers in conversation. They never have anything to say. :unsure: :lol: I don't think I'm addicted to my homebrew. Although I do exhibit some of the above mentioned signs... Maybe I'm just addicted to flavour!
You know its true when you have no brew (cold that is) and you stop at a bottle shop comming home from work, and you cant find a beer that you want to drink. Now if I could just get a LCPA in a long neck, then maybe. I remember when I started brewing my noble ambition was to make somthing as good as a VB. I paid $6 for a Becks the other day at a bar, and it my last ale definantly tastes better.

As an aside I went to a resturant recently and got a real Stella (imported - could not understand the lable). The CUB tastes very different, very PoR in comparasion
I'm an addict and go to the meetings. As a matter of fact we have one next month!

We are trying to organise the next one already.

Ferken Brilliant! :D

Betty 'InCider' Ford.
I'm not addicted - My brews are on tap purely for research & education, on the products I stock :ph34r:
My customers also like to try before they buy, so what better way than supplying samples of the finished product... of course, it would be rude not to join them :p
Hope the Taxman's more gulible than you lot B)

Cheers Ross

Hope the tax man doesnt know you ross!!!!!!!
You know its true when you have no brew (cold that is) and you stop at a bottle shop comming home from work, and you cant find a beer that you want to drink. Now if I could just get a LCPA in a long neck, then maybe. I remember when I started brewing my noble ambition was to make somthing as good as a VB. I paid $6 for a Becks the other day at a bar, and it my last ale definantly tastes better.

As an aside I went to a resturant recently and got a real Stella (imported - could not understand the lable). The CUB tastes very different, very PoR in comparasion
If I run out and have to go to the grog shop I never know what to get these days. Sometimes I end up leaving with nothing but the ***** because all the brews that they stock are crappy mass produced commercial local beers.
So yes, I think I am an addict. No turning back now...