Any Shooters Out There?

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Just wondering if there are any other firearm users, collectors or hunters etc on the forum.

If so let us know what you have, what you shoot and what you want to get next or any firearm related story so long as its legal.

Ill start

Remington Genesis .177 air rifle
Winchester model 320 .22LR
Lanber U/O 12G 30 barrels, 5 screw in chokes
Lee Enfield (Lithgow) 1944 SMLE .303 No1 MkIII (Good original condition)
Sako 75 Stainless / Synthetic .270win with Leupold VXI 4-12 x 40

Being in SA mainly hunt rabbits and foxes with the 22 and 12G but recently lost access to that property due to a change of owners. Once or twice a year head out to the Flinders Ranges with the 270 and hunt feral goats, all on foot out there, park the 4x4 put the packs on and just walk, dammed hard work but worth it.

Bought the 303 for nostalgic reasons seeing my granddad fought in Tobruk with one of them, the old 303 is still a fine round to this day and the SMLE still shoots almost as good as it would have over sixty years ago.

Finally the 177 is great for a bit of varmint control at home, makes short work of any troublesome pigeons or starlings.

Next I think Im after a good long range heavy barrel varmint rifle probably in 22-250 or maybe just .223, I hear the 22-250 can be a bit hard on barrels if you dont cool it enough between shots but are a nice long range round. I have also considered the 220 swift but hear they tear barrels up in no time.

Well thats me. What have you got?
Hey man,

I used to shoot metallic silhouette (pistol) when I lived in Canberra a few years ago, I used a .357 something or other at the time which I used to borrow from one of the guys there.

I technically own (paid for) a BSA 15 shot tube loading .22 rifle, but my ex boyfriend got custody of that (& it was registered in his name)

I've since moved back to NSW the nanny state and basically can't justify the time and money it would cost me to get back into shooting, but one of these days *wistful sigh*

There's a .22 rifle silhouette range out at silverdale, I'd like to have a crack at that one day :~~~D
i come from a shooting mad family although i haven't gone out for a shoot now for ages.
used to shoot pistol rapid fire and a few boring 1-shot per hour kinda olympic style stuff with different calibers.
don't own any anymore (thanks David! :angry: )
was getting a kick out of the old western action sidearms for a while. we bought our father a beautiful pair of .45 single-action revolvers, thinking we'd each get one when the old man passes on, but now they're probably melted down into a bloody daewoo transmission or something. That has and will, always make me mad!
as kids we were brought up on BSA .177 air rifles and Brno .22 bolt actions.
If i had to list every weapon I've fired, it'd take forever.
Lived in the USA for ten years so shot a lot. In the process of importing three of my guns from there:

1. 270Win Savage, synthetic stock with a scope, lovely rifle for hunting deer with
2. 50cal New England Firearms muzzle loader, synthetic stock, bolt action, great back powder rifle, once again for close quarter deer hunting, lots of fun
3. 20gau Stevens, very old (1927?) single barrel shot gun, more an heirloom, was my wifes great grand fathers

Here at home I currently have
1. Winchester 30-30 lever actio, have had it 18 years and only shot it twice! Still has all the blue on it and everything, dunno even why I bought it!
2. Miroku U/O 12 gauge, great duck gun

Unfortunately at the moment I have no where to shoot and it looks like Geelong City Council and Victorian State government want to force close the gun club in Geelong where I could shoot trap at least!
ahh to be allowed to own a gun.. SWMBO wont let me, despite being ex infintry and a good shot (if i say so myself). So unfotunately I cant much participtate in this forum other than realing off what Ive mainly used:
F88 Steyr rifle
F89 Minimi machine gun
Mag 58 machine gun

Ive used other odds and sods here and there but would love to get into comp shooting. Or I could get my arse into gear and get a hunters licence and go clear wild boar from a mates co-op proprty near bonnydoon.

I leave in saying that the mossberg 550 12ga shotgun is an awsome all rounder or the maverick 88 for making a hell of a mess. I think its one of the preferred models in the US for home defence.
.... We're, going to Bonniedoon!

Don't you dare take a firearm and destroy the serenity. How is it nowadays? The serenity that is.
Like itymorgue2 I too am ex infantry. 2Pl, Alpha 6RAR. Fired plenty of gear in the corps and blew up enough ***** to bugger up the hearing. Far too much fun.

Anyhow, I currently own:-

Mauser 96 Straight pull bolt in 270win
Winchester Model 320 in .22
Savage .22mag / 20 gauge
Lee Enfield 1943 .303 - full wood
Ruger .243 - because I loved 556 too much

Basically hit up rabbits and foxes around the Adelaide hills, but property's are starting to become far and few between. Too many tree huggers taking over property without realising that feral control is good for our Fauna. I used to head out to Condamine once a fornight with a couple other infantry mate to nail pigs. Nothin' better than infantry tactics in close terrain along the Condamine river. Quick ambush on running groups was the bomb.

Ohhh well, reminiscing on times gone by won't help.
