Another 'Frist BIAB' post

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Hi All,

My 40 litre Birko urn arrived today and for the last 2 weeks I've been googling and searching and reading and dreaming.

I bought beersmith and it blew my mind a little bit. I like to think I know the basic theory of what to do for my first BIAB (strike temp, mash temp, insulation, boil, etc) but I think I've overloaded myself with info.

Could someone please take me under their wing and provide a simple first pale ale recipe with clear steps for a noob? I have no ingredients but can buy whatever. I live in Newcastle and will be hitting Marks Home Brew up. I've registered with his brew builder software for ordering.

I know I'm being painful, but help a brother out :)


Edit: I guess I should say I've read the BIAB in an urn guide. AN am more after a great first time pale ale recipe with steps spelled out. Don't flame me, i'm new. Thanks again.
Presuming around 70% mash efficiency:

5.5 kg maris otter
250g simpsons crystal (heritage if you can find it, medium if you can't)
250g biscuit or victory

Cascade to 25 IBU@60 mins (you'll need to use ianh's spreadsheet here: when you know the aa of your hops)
Cascade to10 IBU@20 mins
Cascade to 10 IBU@5 mins

Dry hop with 20g cascade

I don't BIAB so follow the instructions for simple, no sparge BIAB found here: or here:

Recipes are easy to come by. Above should give you an abv of around 5-6% depending on your FG, fermentation schedule, actual efficiency etc. IBU about 45. That is a simplification of a regular apa grist and hop schedule that I use.

Otherwise Dr smurtos golden is tried and true and well liked by many. Recipe is even included with beersmith I believe.

More than focussing on recipe though (and Mark can probably help you in regard to recipe as well as or better than most on here), see if you can get an experienced BIABer to either let you watch the weekend before or come over while you have a shot.
Only new to this but,

BIAB can be as easy as strike, mash, mash out, boil, cube. I would keep your first that simple.

With my first brew I didn't mash out and efficency was only 60%. Next one 71% with a mash out.

I use Brewmate and found it simple to use.

23lt batch, 80% efficiency, no chill recipe.

BB Pilsner malt 2.6kg
Weyermann Munich 1 800g
Weyermann Wheat 800g
Weyermann Caramunich 1 250g

Hops are 8.2%AA

Amarillo 15g@60min
Amarillo 10g@10min
Kopperfloc 2g@10min
Amarillo 10g@5min
Amarillo 10g@0min

OG 1.048
FG. 1.012
IBU 30.2

I know you've already purchased BS but download BrewMate, it's easy to understand & perfect for Biab + no chill.
i love the recipes everyone has posted for you, but also being new, i like to try extremely simple ones so i can understand the different tastes.

maybe it's just a personal thing, but one of the best beers i've made so far had a really simple grain bill and hops. my aim then is to work out the different tastes of the grains and then slowly add more/different specialty grain as my taste develops. i have a basic assumption that this will help build my palate rather than putting many smaller grain additions in and then my palate getting too confused by all the tastes mixed in. hope that makes sense. my idea is keep it simple early on, then expand once you know what tastes you like. sorry i don't have steps for an urn though; i just use a big pot but i think it'd be quite similar.

my simple pale ale is:

pale ale malt - 93.75%
crystal 60 (medium crystal) - 6.25%

2.2 grams per litre @ 60 mins of cascade
0.5 grams per litre @ 10 mins of cascade (or amarillo)
0.5 grams per litre @ 5 mins of cascade

total of about 30-35 IBU

add a whirlfloc at 15 mins too

60 min mash at 65C, 60 min boil. ferment at 17-18C with US-05 yeast.

scale the above to whatever size. my screeny is below.

simple. gave me a nice full pale ale of about 5.6%abv. simple but my best to date.

How do I post a picture like fletcher has done with that BrewMate recipe.......................... :ph34r: ( English version please )
Crusty said:
How do I post a picture like fletcher has done with that BrewMate recipe.......................... :ph34r: ( English version please )
i just edited my post, and selected full editor; the pic thing was on the bottom left. there might be another way but that's how i found it haha
This is my frist 'frist BIAB' post, cheers!

My advice would also be to keep it simple, 2/3 malts, 1/2 hops at most, get a taster.
For the first one, it might be an idea to write/print out a step by step guide for youself that you can check off as you go. Don't be too pedantic just a simple guide. After your first BIAB you'll be amazed at just how easy it was. :)
Thanks for all the tips guys! Its really nice that so many people are happy to spend the time to reply posts like these. I'll let you know how I go.
Crusty said:
How do I post a picture like fletcher has done with that BrewMate recipe.......................... :ph34r: ( English version please )
Alt-PrtScn - then open-new in a picture editor and paste it in. Save as a jpg.

If you have Beersmith, just do Dr Smurtos Golden Ale. The recepie is included in the software ready to go. It is easy and tasty and nearly everyone in the universe has brewed it so can help you out. Good luck :beer:
Once you get your head around Beersmith, it really is a great peice of software. Also you can print out a step by step giude like this...pretty cooh aye? :)Brewsheet.JPG
For a solid 1st recipe check out Mark's recipe database in the brew builder, the next brew I'm doing is straight off that and really really simple for Anchor Steam.

It's a simple 1 step mash and 3 hop additions 60min, 15 & 1 (which means 0 min Mark's program doesn't like a 0 though)

Ordering from Mark's BrewBuilder is awesome, can't give it enough props, everything comes packages by time steps for the hops and the only things I need to check on BrewMate or Beersmith is water volumes and strike temp really, all the rest of your info comes on the brew sheet in your order.
While it is not a pale ale, I did smurtos golden ale as my first biab and it blew my mind, much better than anything I had previously bought and it was a piece of piss.