American Red Ale - thoughts?

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Well-Known Member
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Heidelberg, Vic
Hey all :)

I recently had a delicious American Red Ale and now want to brew one. I was considering using the grain bill from this brew: and following the hop schedule from this:

Anyone have any thoughts about whether this would work?
I am tossing up whether or not I increase IBU a little to account for the higher gravity.

Also, considering this is now going to be a fairly hoppy beer, should a use a more hop relevant yeast? I have made the Better Red than Dead before (well, was my first all grain and kinda stuffed the grain bill). I used 1084 as the yeast.

Any thoughts and suggestions will be appreciated.


Would be delicious. Like a lower abv red ipa. One of my favourite beers to brew. I would use a US style least like US05.
As jismfully wonderful as the pics the malt bill link led me to were, it wasn't the malt bill. Can you try reposting links?

For what it may be worth to you my experiments are leading me in the following direction, but I'm still in process so take this as experimental:, Pale Malt (a lot of US pro brewers are using Golden Promise for ales ATM, I'm using Briess Pale Ale); Caramel 60 to about 10%, or a blend of 80 and 40; and a touch of CaraAroma and Roasted Barley for color. I can post a link later with exact proportions. There are a few threads about red color that mention the amount, I just can't remember it.

Hops, the 4C's, Simcoe, Amarillo. 1/3 of your IBU's at 60 minutes, the other 2/3's in the whirlpool. Dry hop at 4 degrees for 5 days.

Endless ways to alter that of course. I'm also trying to duplicate some of the beers I used to drink in the States, so this is pretty by the book.

Oh yeah, yeast. One of the neutral ones that leave malt and yeast flavor mostly unaltered. I just did an APA with a blend of 1056 and San Diego Super Yeast. Loving that combo, which was purely accidental.
Mardoo said:
As jismfully wonderful as the pics the malt bill link led me to were, it wasn't the malt bill. Can you try reposting links?
Not sure what is going on with the links Mardoo.
The grain bill one works fine for me, the hop one doesn't, and won't despite my editing it. You can copy and paste it into a new window and it does.

Thanks for your further info. Will start tinkering in my brew software :)
I made a red ale with american fruity hops a while back. Basic pale ale really with some cararuby in it to get the colour, it also gave it a pretty high fg but the sweetness wasnt cloying. Whats the best grain for red colour without too much crystal malt backbone?
Here you go. Post number 9. I'll also say that I'm going for the American Amber style, which was often called Portland Red when I was living in Portland, Oregon. Hence the high amount of caramel. It always had this delicious caramelly flavor.
I recently did one with caraaroma 150g and about 50g of roasted barley. Came out a good red/Amber colour would prob up the RB by about 20g next time. Also FYI Chinook + centennial goes very well with the slight roasty flavours
Thanks mate, I was actually quite keen to try some chinook in this. Never used it before but I thought the profile sounded like it would work.

Will hopefully get around to sorting out my grain bill and hop schedule soon. Might make it my maiden brew on the new system that I hope to have up and running in a week or so.

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