All Grain Get Togethers

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Hi guys,

Well all grain brewing is doing very well here in Australia and our group here in Adelaide met together on Sunday for some samples and some brewing.

Here in Adelaide [the centre of the home brewing universe :D ] we are developing committed brewers who are gathering regularly for brewdays and private sessions.

Our home brew stores here in SA., in particular Goliath, Grumpys and BrewMaker have supported the new interest in All grain brewing.

Goliath has a regular 6 week brew day that has helped many people see how simple all grain can be. These types of events take a bit of organisation as well as time allocation.

We have an excellent forum here at AHB and it has been a great way to meet "real" as opposed to cyber brewers.

Our get togethers have progressed over time from individual contacts to group get togethers but without any restrictive "club" mentality. I would encourage other states to try as often as possible to meet together for "informal" brew days.

Regardless of brew knowledge, everyone can learn something from someone else, if they have ears to listen.

Thanks guys for Sunday, it was a very enjoyable time and now we wait on the yeast to do their thing.

Hi Chiller,

Damned nuisance living so far away!!!!!! :(

How about posting some dates and relative info on the get togethers/meetings so that if guys like me are planning a trip to Adelaide then we might work that trip around a meeting etc. :D
Of course we wont tell the missus until we are in Adelaide :unsure: and we are on our way to the get-together :lol: :lol: :chug: :chug:

::raises glass::

And guys, I promise next time I'll try to bring something better. I wouldn't want to scare y'all into not letting me back :)
Not letting you back, Kai?

No fear of that mate - your the head brewer next time, remember :D

And well done JSB for getting a brew down, despite my assistance!!
We certainly do have a great group of brewers here all of which i can say have become great friends through this hobby(allthough it is much more than just a hobby to most of us).

Dicko, next meeting will be in september i think which is around 6 weeks.
also i think theres a longweekend coming up in october which would be a good time to have another swim through. :chug: :chug: :chug:

I almost have to bust my balls to make sundays after just 4-5 hours sleep after working but i never pass up on a chance to get together and talk beer.

Cheers untill next time, and a big thanx to chiller for his hospitality which as always is great.
A good (very) friend of mine speaks highly of your group especialy (I think thats how you spell it) Steve (chiller) Jayse ( stout kit brewer) and the newbie in Stu, Jason and Steve how you put the effort in to show and teach the right way to do things and not just copy someones else crap from books and make beer like no I won`t mention names but Ken& Tom no who they are.

A big thanks for chiller for the use of his bre gear and hospitality and some fine beers a good day was had by all
wee stu said:
Not letting you back, Kai?

No fear of that mate - your the head brewer next time, remember :D
Yes the world's turned on its ear, all right :)

I'd like to thank chiller (and Mrs Chiller) for his generosity and hospitality, too. What you do is a marvellous way of fostering the whole hobby/obsession/religion.
i will put my two bobs worth in.
i was invited around to steves place whilst in adelaide and had a short but great time.hospitality shown by mr and mrs chiller was great.
hope to visit again one day.

big d
Jayse ( stout kit brewer)
end snip>

Kit beer? ;) ;) ;) :chug: :chug: :chug:

A good (very) friend of mine speaks highly of your group especialy (I think thats how you spell it) Steve (chiller) Jayse ( stout kit brewer) and the newbie in Stu, Jason and Steve how you put the effort in to show and teach the right way to do things and not just copy someones else crap from books and make beer like no I won`t mention names but Ken& Tom no who they are.

I am not happy being referenced in this post...

especially about siting crap in books and making beer like....

NOT HAPPY JAN. :angry:

One of things about this forum is the way we get to express our opinions without it getting personel - I feel that this post is personal and I woiuld like to know what this person basis their opinion on- if any....

I cant recall ever meeting this person or him trying any beer i have made or any example of my quoting crap from books that i dont know about or have not personally done. Sometimes i like to be a little outside the square - but having people outside the square is what makes the world an exciting place.....

I think that what Chiller does is admirable with the new All Grain guys and is most excellent in fostering friendship and benefiting the Obsession.

The later part of this does the opposite.
Ken, i think the post was not saying that you quote crap, but know someone who does?
I do agree that it's bad form to pay others out though, hell i'm an idiot when it comes to making good HB, and ask lots and lots of dumb questions, i love how everyone here is very patient and tries to help out.
Hell you spent 2 hours on the phone the other night trying to solve my keg problems. Hows that for someone you don't know in real life!
Actually, I would never say no to glass from one of Ken's kegs. If the 'Baroosa' ever got a microbrewery, He could walk in there and hold his head high...
Are you the newly appointed chairman of the kenny admiration society andrew? ;)
I don't know about walking in with his head high, GMK would need to stand on box just to see inside the mash tun :blink: i don't think having his head high will help much. :lol:

sorry this is a short joke, not a dig at anyones brewing.
sorry Jayse, but comments like those just go straight over my head. ;)

besides, I, for one, look up to Kenny (if only just :D )

and to set the record straight Kenny was invited to chillers and would have been a welcome addition I'm sure, if other commitments had not intervened. The refractometers he scored for us were certainly welcome at the party.

Despite the odd barbed jibe (meant solely in jest, I'm sure) we are all united in one thing - the quest to brew better beer :chug: :chug: :chug:

as the wise man said: RDWHAHB

I don't think Altbier was saying that you cite crap from books (although spelling it like you did "siting crap in books", makes me never want to borrow anything from your personal library).

If you carefully read the post, Altbier only said that you make beer like Tom. He made no metion of whether or not your beer was good or bad, but only that it is of the same standards as Tom's. Admittedly the negative tone of the post leads the reader to assume Altbier is also negative about the quality of your beer.

But as you've told us all time and time again, your beers have won many awards. So if you're happy with you're awards and you're happy to be compared to Tom, then relax, don't worry, have a homebrew.


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