Alcohol-resistant worm research to prevent drunkeness

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"Alcohol-resistant worms may hold key for human sobriety.

If drinking as much alcohol as you want without getting drunk sounds like a dream, listen up: Scientists have created earthworms capable of doing just that.

If researchers can successfully recreate this development in mice and, eventually, humans, they believe it would be possible to help treat those with alcohol addiction – and one scientist even suggested the research could be used to boost espionage efforts.

These alcohol-resistant worms were created after scientists implanted various kinds of altered human alcohol targets, which bind alcohol to the brain and cause intoxication, into the animals. Researchers tested numerous kinds of these molecules to pinpoint the exact one that would allow the animals to fight off drunkenness but still continue operating normally."

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No thanks, I like that warm fuzzy feeling I get after a few russian imperial stouts on a cold night.
Meanwhile, in our lifestyle section: The earthworm diet! As practiced by nutritionists across the globe. It's so amazingly simple! There's only one ingredient. Dirt....
Does this imply a hangover will now see you in the backyard dragging your arse across the lawn?

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