Airlock Inside Frermenter Clearence

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Hi dudes, I have two brews frementing at the moment. I have noticed that both almost, and do stop frementing. I don't understand that. I lift the airlock just a little bit I get frementing starting up again.. Question. How does placing the airlock into the frementer (8-10mm from just inside the lid's inside top), to dropping the airlock straght in as far as it goes into the frementer differ?
3 days ago I made a post about airlocks. It ended up getting it's own

I'll be a little kinder this time...airlocks are not an indication of fermentation. If your airlock is not bubbling, all it means is that you do not have a seal somewhere. This does not matter. Not one little bit.

Might I suggest...there is a search function in the top right corner. Most questions have been asked and answered at some first, then if clarification is needed, by all means, post.

/self control
3 days ago I made a post about airlocks. It ended up getting it's own

I'll be a little kinder this time...airlocks are not an indication of fermentation. If your airlock is not bubbling, all it means is that you do not have a seal somewhere. This does not matter. Not one little bit.

Might I suggest...there is a search function in the top right corner. Most questions have been asked and answered at some first, then if clarification is needed, by all means, post.

/self control

well done butters. no kittens to be seen (or choked)......... did there end up being a bulk buy for em? :p
butters, it might be time to move on and let others take care of the n00bs? :)
How do you know it's stopped fermenting ? Are you going by airlock activity ?

It's a growing practie here to not give the airlock too much regard.... actually this is going to soon become a commandment in our religion :p If your lid has an air leak anywhere, it could mean that while your ferment is furiously working away you get bubbling but once it eases off, the Co2 is escaping from other areas, and doesnt need to use the airlock as a valve. Take some readings with your hydrometer about four days into your ferment, then again at six days, then at eight days. After two consecutive readings that are the same gravity, you can be comfortable in knowing that your fermentation has finished (unless its some crazy number. Untill you get the hang of it, feel free to post your hydrometer readings here and someone will tell you if they sound about right).

Another point to mention, if you simply rely on the airlock to tell you when fermentation has finished, and it hasnt (as per above) , then you go and bottle your precious beer, it may well keep fermenting and you'll ebd up with some nasty explosions that have the very real possibility of someone in your household losing an eye or a kidney.

Allright, maybe not a kidney :D
LOL, you guys are quick. i thought I would pick this one up, let you old blokes have a rest from the same old question :)
Butters was molested by an airlock as a wee tacker.

I must say, i dont use one anymore, while my primary fermenter is totally airtight, I am never really satisfied with the cleanliness of the airlock. So I just snap the lid on, put a clean tea towel over the hole and an upturned pint glass to hold it all in place. For my secondary ferment I just use gladwrap. So much less mucking around, and I havent had an infection yet (four brews in with this method, and some really dodgy sanitary practices!).
butters, it might be time to move on and let others take care of the n00bs? :)

maybe your right PoMo. Is there a way I can do a bulk delete of all my posts, or do I have to bring each one of them up individually?
butters, it might be time to move on and let others take care of the n00bs? :)

maybe your right PoMo. Is there a way I can do a bulk delete of all my posts, or do I have to bring each one of them up individually?

What should happen is that Butters should write the definitive "How to" post on airlocks, finishing fermentation, using hydrometers/refractors etc. and we can "Airlock" (hehehe Pun intended! B) :icon_cheers: ) this at the top of the K&E page. Every time anyone asks another airlock related question, we can hold a race to see to can hyperlink reference the post first. My personal opinion is that the prize can be a bottle of Butters-brewed "Emu Roadkill Ale". :beerbang:
maybe your right PoMo. Is there a way I can do a bulk delete of all my posts, or do I have to bring each one of them up individually?

Nah, I like the idea suggested below. Make a great post and we'll sticky it.

What should happen is that Butters should write the definitive "How to" post on airlocks, finishing fermentation, using hydrometers/refractors etc. and we can "Airlock" (hehehe Pun intended! B) :icon_cheers: ) this at the top of the K&E page. Every time anyone asks another airlock related question, we can hold a race to see to can hyperlink reference the post first. My personal opinion is that the prize can be a bottle of Butters-brewed "Emu Roadkill Ale". :beerbang:
Nah, I like the idea suggested below. Make a great post and we'll sticky it.

:icon_offtopic: PoMo, Butters - I'll be happy to compile a definitive "How to" thread on airlocks/fermentation for the newbie over the next couple of days, but I would like to run it past you guys before putting the post up for general consumption. If you guys agree, I'll PM you the content once I'm done, sent back any feedback or alterations and once we're happy we'll post it up for general consumption. How does that sound??
All the information about airlocks, etc. is already stickied in the K&E forum, why double up?

We just need a bigger sign, possibly with neon and/or flashing lights surrounding it so people read it before posting.
:icon_offtopic: PoMo, Butters - I'll be happy to compile a definitive "How to" thread on airlocks/fermentation for the newbie over the next couple of days, but I would like to run it past you guys before putting the post up for general consumption. If you guys agree, I'll PM you the content once I'm done, sent back any feedback or alterations and once we're happy we'll post it up for general consumption. How does that sound??

sounds great - but no new brewer will bother to look for it to read it. The coopers tin instructions are their bible for their first brew. If it isnt doing what their instructions say they will jump straight on here in a panic to ask the question: Why isnt my air lock bubbling? I think we all have to live with it that people want answers straight away as they are concerned about their first little baby instead of spending an hour or two reading through wikis, how tos etc. Thats just the way it is.
:icon_offtopic: PoMo, Butters - I'll be happy to compile a definitive "How to" thread on airlocks/fermentation for the newbie over the next couple of days, but I would like to run it past you guys before putting the post up for general consumption. If you guys agree, I'll PM you the content once I'm done, sent back any feedback or alterations and once we're happy we'll post it up for general consumption. How does that sound??

Steve is actually on the money as to why I've never done one.
It's a growing practie here to not give the airlock too much regard.... actually this is going to soon become a commandment in our religion :p If your lid has an air leak anywhere, it could mean that while your ferment is furiously working away you get bubbling but once it eases off, the Co2 is escaping from other areas, and doesnt need to use the airlock as a valve. Take some readings with your hydrometer about four days into your ferment, then again at six days, then at eight days. After two consecutive readings that are the same gravity, you can be comfortable in knowing that your fermentation has finished (unless its some crazy number. Untill you get the hang of it, feel free to post your hydrometer readings here and someone will tell you if they sound about right).
You must have read from the start of the thread!
Another point to mention, if you simply rely on the airlock to tell you when fermentation has finished, and it hasnt (as per above) , then you go and bottle your precious beer, it may well keep fermenting and you'll ebd up with some nasty explosions that have the very real possibility of someone in your household losing an eye or a kidney.

Allright, maybe not a kidney :D
Nice one. Anyone here, for "kittems & kidneys". This dish is plated with veges.
Edit: No shit intended, but just having fun. (Inside this post)
We just need a bigger sign, possibly with neon and/or flashing lights surrounding it so people read it before posting.
Thanks, taking the shit out of someone is funny!. I'm starting on the forum, so give me some time to adjust to it!!!!!

Got it!@
I'll be happy to compile a definitive "How to" thread on airlocks/fermentation for the newbie over the next couple of days, but I would like to run it
Cool, do it. I have heard heaps of asshole pretending to know..
Come on guy's, I just started brewing...kegging (meaningful links), not crap about (butter). If you put butter on wife's pussy it might taste better! HA

Dear lord, even i blushed after reading that one. In fact it made me vomit breakfast herring out of my nose.

Goodmorning Brewers. :p

Just thought, I hve recently red mnycomments chastising new brewers for not looking for historical posts on certin topics.

To be fair, if they are a new brewer & have new brewer questions and are new to the whole forum as I once was. Perhaps it is logical to surmise that they may not be familiar with all the mechanics of how to search on this forum.

The last thing the craft needs is to have new entrants made to feel foolsh for asking questions. All that would then be ikely to happen is that questions would no longer be asked and poor brewing practises continue.

My 2c

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