The correct corriander seed is
essential for a Hoegaarden or you'll get celery flavours (like I did!). It absolutely MUST be freshly ground. You'll get a peppery, tangy, sharp anise lemongrass flavour from it - if you can't smell that, don't use it.
If you have a read of the BJCP guidlines on the style you'll see they make a note that celery or ham flavours are a no no - that's how easy it is to get them in there, and the way most people do this is by using inferiour (or too much) corriander.
Also, I read somewhere once that the citrus peel can also be responsible for the ham flavours. My best Wits have been the ones without any spices/peels and the yeast is allowed to shine.
Some of the Hoegaarden clones on the web use FAR too much stuff. Beware of them.
50:50 Wheat

ilsner and a noble hop to ~18 IBUs and WY3944 and you'll get very close. Mess up the spices and you'll get nana's hambone soup.