Ag: Flaked/torrified/rolled

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Oblomov said:
I had a good look at weet-bix and it is indeed made from flaked wheat. But according to the box it has been toasted. Is that a problem?

I didn't notice a significant difference when using weet-bix.


I have some experiences that I'd like to contribute to this thread.

First, I have some feedback from a forum member (or two) that bourghul tends to be low yield, as it's prob not gelatinised (just steamed/cracked high protein wheat). I'd be keen to hear feedback from anyone who's used it, re mash efficiency. Warren?
As bourghul is more expensive than rolled wheat at my lhfs (health food store - he he), I know which I'll be going for.

On to rolled wheat now...I have used this in a Wit (2.5 kg/ 40%of the grist), and found it to be quite good. No need for rice hulls in my mash tun, so they're saved for another time.

Flaked wheat. Apparently the lhfs near work (shopping centre) can get 25 kg bags for about $50, so I'm thinking of investing. My lhbs is getting some soon, but I'm impatient coz I have a friend coming over to visit my brewery for an ag demo, and he wants a Witbier. He apparently liked the Wit I made at the end of October and wants some for himself. I offered him half a 25 litre batch as long as he pays for 1/2 the costs and helps out with the work.
Anyway, the lfhs has said: Order Tuesday, collect Thursday. That'll cause a small ruckus at work when I come back from lunch with a 25kg bag of flaked wheat on my shoulder...

I had looked at Weet-bix, but it seemed a little expensive (comparatively, with flaked wheat) to add 2.5 kg.

my 2 cents, for now.

Seth :p
After visiting 2 more LHFS's, I decided to use half weetbix, half torrified. How does this look:



Amount          Item                                             T% or IBU        

3.00 kg         Pilsner, Malt Craft Export (Joe White) (3.2 EBC) G50.8 %          

1.40 kg         Wheat, Torrified (3.3 EBC)                       G23.7 %          

1.25 kg         Weet bix (3.2 EBC)                               G21.2 %          

0.25 kg         Oats, Flaked (2.0 EBC)                           G4.2 %           

18.30 gm        Styrian Goldings [5.60%]  (90 min)               H11.5 IBU        

18.30 gm        Saaz [3.30%]  (15 min)                           H3.5 IBU         

1 Pkgs          Belgian Witbier (Wyeast Labs #3944) [Starter 125 Y                

Total Grain Weight: 5.90 kg


Name               Description                        Step Temp     Step Time     

Step               Add 10.00 L of water at 56.2 C     50.0 C        30 min        

Step               Add 5.00 L of water at 84.5 C      60.0 C        40 min        

Step               Add 9.00 L of water at 89.2 C      70.0 C        10 min

(60% efficiency, I'm pretty bad. OG 1051, 15 IBU)
The only wit I have made used torrified wheat - it turned out fine.