After A Long Brew Day, Pondering Galaxy In A Partial

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The King of Spain

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I've had a brew day that went a little longer than planned. I realy do find it relaxing except I have a house to finish as well on the weekends.

I've been thinking about doing a partial using a grain with a lot or enzymes like galaxy (don't realy know any others - thats just what Ross has told me) with a half decent kit like a Morgans blue mountains larger. I could do this on a weeknight.

I noticed today I got 23L down to 40C in 10min, a partial would leave lots of room in my boiler for ice so I figure I could get a good cold break in no time and since I would not be adding hops it just a case of hot-break, cold-break and into the fermenter leaving the gunk behind.

OK - have I forgotten the ewwww or has anyone else been here and got a good result.

PS as an aside went sell, batch sparged and hit vols and gravity without any mods. Just took too long (relative to what I should be doing).

Boil 10-15 litres of water and cool down. Adjust ph and pour into a clean and sanitised spring water container and leave in fridge a day prior to brewing.

When having a partial with 2-3 kgs grains you should get about 14-17 litres pre boil and be left with about 12-15 litres after boil.
Calculate you loose about a litre to trub

If you can get 23 litres down that quick you ought to have no trouble getting 12-15 litres down as quick.
Add to fermenter and top up with the cooled prepared water and splash around as frivilous as possible.

You'll end up having cooled aerated wort around 20-25 degrees in less then half hour.

Work a treat for me.
get blackrock liquid malt and hop yourself or Munton brew kits are good as well.
splash around as frivilous as possible.


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