Adelaide Brewers And Winemakers - July Meeting

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wee stu

wee stu's brury - hand made beers, award winning l
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The latest meeting of the Amateur Winemakers and Brewers Club of Adeleide is happening tomorrow, Tuesday 4 July, at the Clarence Park Community Centre, corner of East Ave and Canterbury Tce, Black Forest, from 8pm.

Fresh from the trauma of forming a new committee for our 36th year, come along and enjoy the new more relaxed and informal atmosphere :party: .

Bring in a High Gravity Beer or Barley Wine (and 40c) and have it judged to BJCP standards by our two mystery AHB guests, ANAWBS judges and BJCP aficionados

Bring along a beer to share (of all sorts, not just mega gravity brews) over stories with fellow brewers

Sip on the rose's and liqueurs from the wine competition and feast on the expansive :p after meeting supper.

Seriously, if you live in the locality and have a few hours to kill, and better still a higher gravity beer you would like a critical opinion on, come along.

PM or email me if you want more details.
Just found out one of our Italian winemakers is apparently putting on something "special" for supper :)

I've tracked down a couple of stubbies of the new Little Creatures Bright Ale as well. So if you fancy a thimble full or so of that.............

awrabest, stu