A Rod For My Back?

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Yesterday, the wife & I were enjoying the afternoon sunshine, out the back, with a glass or two of my first ever brew. (A Coopers K&K Pilsner) All of a sudden (quite unrelated to the subject under discussion) she says "Since you have been brewing I've really gone off packaged beer, you'll have to build up a stock of brews for summer..."

Now, at first glance this is good news, the purse strings may open a bit wider for more toys, I will get to make some differing types of beer etc etc etc

However it also dawns on me, that I have a reasonably stretched time budget, i.e I am busier than a one-armed bricklayer in Baghdad, so making time to brew & bottle is a challenge (one I am willing to undertake!) but it also occurs to me that this might be a trap...

"You've spent money on this HB stuff, I need some new clothes/jewelery/shoes etc etc etc"

So lads & ladettes, the question is what should I do?
See this as a golden opportunity, and risk the trap?
Or, call the bluff?
(Or pretend it never happened and just keep on with MY brew schedule?)

call her bluff with a bluff :p

explain "yerp, i can do that for the both of us" so if she pulls out the i need stuff for me, say well the HB was your idea for the both of us :)
explain how one keg (hehehe like anyone can just have the one) and one pint glass is a heap less mess, washing up, and saves the environment (somehow).
Mmmm, tough call :blink: I'd base the response on your prior experience with any past "bait & switch" routines!

You could start kegging your beer instead, saves a bit of time, makes the beer ready to drink a little faster, easier to work with etc. Down side is initial cost setup, but you never look back. :super:
start getting into the kegs rabbitz, this way you will save alot of time and i think you and the missus will agree that the beer tastes better out of the keg.
I suggest that you get your good lady wife to help with the bottling (a lot). Her indoors demanded I get a keg system to avoid me going backward and forwards to fridge to get more bottles and neglecting guests. When she saw Duff produce a beer gun and fill a glass at a HBG picnic from a mini keg, she thought this was very cool and demanded that I get a similar setup. ( as always I tugged my forelock, bowed withdrawing and obeyed) Oh yeah she doesn't drink beer.
start getting into the kegs rabbitz, this way you will save alot of time and i think you and the missus will agree that the beer tastes better out of the keg.

Gundaroo is on the money re kegging (and has a SENSATIONAL avatar!)
I was going to quote him just to see the Av again, but then realised when you quote it only quotes text and not Avatars :(

great kegs ay lads,i wish i owned em,or the missus for that fact :chug:
Another vote for a keg setup.

Good to see there is another wicked weasel fan here Gundaroo :super: Should be more of em I say. B)
See I knew that I could get some good strategic advice...

So what I need to do is my own bait & switch, that is, "Yes Dear!, what a great idea! WE should make more beer and WE should share the work like bottling."

Then after a few brews (and just before the 'I need new shoes' switch) -

"You know kegging would be much easier, lets go over to Jeff's place, he has some kegs and see what it is like..." (Clearly Jeff will be clued in beforehand).

Yup I like it. With one additional benefit, if we buy the keg set up the budget may not stretch to shoes....

I'll get back to you, on how it goes....

Has the concept of honesty occurred to you?

I'd say, "Yes dear, I can make more beer for us, but you'll need to help too. And of course, you'll be aware that there will be less money for toys, gifts, etc" for both of us. We'll need to discuss it and find the right balance."

See how that one goes, as it seems to combine the all the above suggestions with a little negotiation.

Seth :p
I'm with Les the Weizguy.
If you need to fool your wife, you married the wrong woman.
Mine doesn't drink, but she's never stopped me spending on what I need for brewing.
I charge it all on Visa, and she pays the bills, so she knows what I spend.
And no, she doesn't have a wardrobe full of shoes.
I'm with Les the Weizguy.
If you need to fool your wife, you married the wrong woman.
Mine doesn't drink, but she's never stopped me spending on what I need for brewing.
I charge it all on Visa, and she pays the bills, so she knows what I spend.
And no, she doesn't have a wardrobe full of shoes.

I'm with Les the Weizguy.
If you need to fool your wife, you married the wrong woman.
Mine doesn't drink, but she's never stopped me spending on what I need for brewing.
I charge it all on Visa, and she pays the bills, so she knows what I spend.
And no, she doesn't have a wardrobe full of shoes.

I hope you guys guessed that my tongue was firmly planted in my cheek...

It is actually good news and worth a few pairs of shoes!!!

If you spend all your money on a keg setup you will have none left for her to buy clothes and shoes with.

"Sorry honey i cant spare any money this week i spent it on that keg setup YOU wanted"

But i could use a new set of work boots.

Edit : Spelling
"You've spent money on this HB stuff, I need some new clothes/jewelery/shoes etc etc etc"


Your good lady will be doing this anyway. You may as well get new beer kit while the going is good (and before she spends it all in the shoe shop).

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